Opportunistic science - Results: -1
- Sergey Dedushenko
Opportunistic science - Results: -2
- Juliana Schell (Institut Fur Materialwissenschaft Universität Duisburg-Essen (D)
I will talk about the semi-emperical model ...
TiN thin films are interesting gate materials in future non-Si based metal-oxide semiconductor devices. TiN has also been experimentally confirmed with strong surface plasmon resonance at the near infrared spectral range. In water splitting experiments, TiN nanoparticles were found to outperform Au nanoparticles in the enhancing photocurrent under solar irradiation. However, the performance...
Chemical experiments with Mn-57 at ISOLDE CERN
Dedushenko S., Gunnlaugsson H., Larsen E., Olafsson S., Johnston K., Masenda H., Peters G., Schell J., Unzueta Solozabal I., Yablokov M., Zyabkin D., Bendix J., Bharuth-Ram K., Gisslasson H., Hemmingsen L., Krastev P., Langouche G., Mantovan R., Naidoo D., Perfiliev Yu., Qi B., ISOLDE Collaboration
EMS is an important method...
I will talk about the results obtained in NaCl in Mn18. A single line is observed that can be interpreted as due to singly charged Fe in S=1/2 spin state
I will give an overview of the results obtained in LiF from 2018. Fe is observed at Fe1+ S=1/2 as in NaCl and additionally as Fe2+, presumably in low spin configuration
I will describe the results obtained in di-fluorides from Mn18
I will briefly describe the status on "quenching". A manusrcript is ready but needs feedback