The lead/scintillator transverse and longitudinal segmented forward hadron calorimeters will be used in the upgraded NA61 and BM@N experiments and future CBM, MPD experiments to measure centrality and reaction plane orientation in heavy ion collisions. Similar calorimeter has been already used at the NA61 experiments on the search for the critical point and the onset of deconfiment in nucleus-nucleus interactions.
The light detection in all of these calorimeters is provided by the micropixel photodiodes and signal readout is provided by sampling ADCs. At present, already constructed modules for the future CBM experiments at FAIR are used at the NA61 upgraded hadron calorimeter and at the new hadron calorimeter in the BM@N experiments.
Mutual interest in the the forward hadron calorimeters developments for these experiments, including development of different approaches of the centrality determination, calibration procedure will be discussed.