13–18 Oct 2019
Lafodia Sea Resort, Lopud Island, Croatia
Europe/Zurich timezone

MuPix chips, mechanics and cooling systems of Mu3e experiment

17 Oct 2019, 09:00
Lafodia Sea Resort, Lopud Island, Croatia

Lafodia Sea Resort, Lopud Island, Croatia


Frank Meier (Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))


Mu3e is an upcoming experiment at Paul Scherrer Institut in the search for the strongly suppressed decay of µ->eee. It will use an ultra-lightweight silicon pixel detector using thinned HV-CMOS MAPS chips. Untriggered, zero-suppressed, always-on operation is needed for observing random decays of muons at rest with a decay rate of 10^8-10^9 decays per second. More than 1 m2 of instrumented surface will produce about 3 kW of heat (≤250 mW/cm2). Traditional cooling approaches are in conflict with the low-mass requirements, hence a gaseous helium flow cooling system will be implemented. This talk will give a report on the chip status, the mechanical design challenges with our solutions and the results of our comprehensive cooling studies performed recently.


Frank Meier (Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))

Presentation materials