11th International Workshop on Multiple Partonic Interactions at the LHC

from Monday 18 November 2019 (08:00) to Friday 22 November 2019 (14:00)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
18 Nov 2019
19 Nov 2019
20 Nov 2019
21 Nov 2019
22 Nov 2019
09:00 Welcome/Introduction - Miroslav Myska (Czech Technical University (CZ)) Igor Jex, Dean of FNSPE, CTU in Prague   ()
Double Parton Scattering - Rafal Maciula (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN) (until 10:30) ()
09:10 Double parton scattering at CMS - Marc Dünser for the CMS Collaboration (CERN)   ()
09:30 Studies of double parton scattering at the LHCb - Daria Savrina for the LHCb Collaboration (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (RU))   ()
09:50 Double parton scattering in jet production processes - Oleh Fedkevych (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   ()
10:10 Models for the energy behaviour of MPS effective cross-section - Dr Giulia Pancheri (INFN Frascati Laboratories)   ()
Break (until 11:00) ()
MPI & Small-x & diffraction - Christine Overgaard Rasmussen (Lund University) (until 12:30) ()
11:00 MC developments in small-x and diffraction - Patrick Kirchgaesser   ()
11:35 The electron-ion collider – A collider to unravel the mysteries of hadron structure - Elke-Caroline Aschenauer (BNL)   ()
12:00 Diffractive Bremsstrahlung in hadronic collisions - Roman Pasechnik (Lund university)   ()
High Multiplicities (small system) - Christian Bierlich (Lund University (SE)) (until 10:20) ()
09:00 Particle production and event shape studies: status and new ideas - Vytautas Vislavicius (University of Copenhagen (DK))   ()
09:20 Improving the selection on MPI using multiplicity and leading charged-particle transverse momentum - Dr Aditya Nath Mishra (ICN-UNAM)   ()
09:40 Particle production of charged and light flavor hadrons, $\pi$, K, $\phi$, p and $\Xi$, as a function of Transverse Spherocity in pp collisions $\sqrt(s) = 13$ TeV with ALICE at the LHC - Adrian Fereydon Nassirpour for the ALICE Collaboration (ALICE Collaboration, Lund University (SE))   ()
10:00 Multiplicity dependent hadron chemistry from dynamical core--corona initialisation - Yuuka Kanakubo (Sophia Univ.)   ()
Break (until 10:50) ()
Double Parton Scattering - Arthur Moraes (CBPF - Brazilian Center for Physics Research (BR)) (until 12:40) ()
10:50 ATLAS results on quarkonia and its associated production - Maria Smizanska for the ATLAS Collaboration (Lancaster University (GB))   ()
11:10 Probing double parton scattering via associated open charm and bottom production in ultraperipheral pA collisions - Roman Pasechnik (Lund university)   ()
11:40 Double-Parton-Scattering studies with quarkonia - Jean-Philippe Lansberg (IPN Orsay, Paris Saclay U. / IN2P3-CNRS)   ()
12:00 J/psi + Upsilon associated production and prospects to observe a new heavy tetraquark state - Dr Sergey Baranov (P.N.Lebedev Institute of Physics)   ()
12:20 Double parton distributions and heavy-quark mass effects - Mr Riccardo Nagar (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)   ()
High Multiplicities (small system) - Christian Bierlich (Lund University (SE)) (until 10:40) ()
09:00 Collectivity in small systems with the CMS experiment - Prabhat Ranjan Pujahari for the CMS Collaboration (Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IN))   ()
09:20 Interferometric Signatures of Hydrodynamics in Small Systems - Christopher Plumberg   ()
09:40 Measurement of colour flow using jet-pull observables in top-quark-antiquark events with the ATLAS experiment at √s = 13 TeV - Reinhild Peters for the ATLAS Collaboration (University of Manchester (GB))   ()
10:00 Hadronic Rescattering in Pythia - Marius Utheim (Lund University)   ()
10:20 Bulk vs Shear viscosity on high multiplicity small collision systems - Irais Bautista Guzman (Autonomous University of Puebla (MX))   ()
Break (until 11:00) ()
Conference Photo (until 11:10) ()
Heavy Ions - Karel Safarik (Czech Technical University (CZ)) (until 12:40) ()
11:10 Multi-particle Bose-Einstein correlations in Au+Au collisions at PHENIX - Mate Csanad for the PHENIX Collaboration (Eotvos University, Budapest)   ()
11:30 Dynamical description of heavy quarks and electromagnetic probes in heavy-ion collisions at ultra-relativistic energies - Dr Taesoo Song (GSI)   ()
11:50 Flow as an interplay of fluid-like and non-fluid like excitations - Bin Wu (CERN)   ()
12:10 Overlapping interests between heavy ions and small systems - Karel Safarik (Czech Technical University (CZ)) Antonin Maire (IPHC - Strasbourg (CNRS-In2p3/Unistra)) Christian Bierlich (Lund University (SE)) Valentina Zaccolo (Universita e INFN Trieste (IT))   ()
Monte Carlo, MB & UE - Philip Ilten (University of Birmingham (GB)) (until 11:00) ()
09:30 Particle physics in extensive air shower cascades - Ralf Ulrich (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))   ()
10:00 Production of identified light flavour hadrons as a function of underlying event activity in pp collisions with the ALICE detetector - Omar Vazquez Rueda for the ALICE Collaboration (Lund University (SE))   ()
10:20 Update on Herwig 7 - Stefan Gieseke (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)   ()
10:40 The underlying event in Pythia in function of multiplicity at 13 TeV - Guy Paic (Universidad Nacional Autonoma (MX))   ()
Break (until 11:30) ()
MPI & Small-x & diffraction - Radek Zlebcik (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) (until 12:45) ()
11:30 Saturation in the impact-parameter plane through vector meson photoproduction - Prof. Jesus Guillermo Contreras Nuno (Czech Technical University (CZ))   ()
11:55 Determination of proton parton distribution functions using ATLAS data - Josef Pacalt for the ATLAS Collaboration (Palacky University (CZ))   ()
12:20 $\eta_c$(1S) and $\eta_c$(2S) production at the LHC - Antoni Szczurek (Institute of Nuclear Physics)   ()
MPI & Small-x & diffraction (until 09:30) ()
09:00 WG4 (MPI&Low-x&Diffraction) - Summary - Christine Overgaard Rasmussen (Lund University) Radek Zlebcik (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   ()
09:15 WG4 (MPI&Low-x&Diffraction) - Discussion - Radek Zlebcik (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) Christine Overgaard Rasmussen (Lund University)   ()
Double Parton Scattering (until 10:00) ()
09:30 WG2 (Double Parton Scattering) - Summary - Rafal Maciula (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN) Arthur Moraes (CBPF - Brazilian Center for Physics Research (BR)) Daria Savrina (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (RU))   ()
09:45 WG2 (Double Parton Scattering) - Discussion - Rafal Maciula (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN) Daria Savrina (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (RU)) Arthur Moraes (CBPF - Brazilian Center for Physics Research (BR))   ()
Monte Carlo, MB & UE (until 10:30) ()
10:00 WG1 (MC&UE&MB) - Summary - Philip Ilten (University of Birmingham (GB)) Valentina Mariani (Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT)) Guy Paic (Universidad Nacional Autonoma (MX))   ()
10:15 WG1 (MC&UE&MB) - Discussion - Valentina Mariani (Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT)) Philip Ilten (University of Birmingham (GB)) Guy Paic (Universidad Nacional Autonoma (MX))   ()
Break (until 11:00) ()
Heavy Ions (until 11:30) ()
11:00 WG5 (Heavy Ion) - Summary - Antonin Maire (IPHC - Strasbourg (CNRS-In2p3/Unistra)) Karel Safarik (Czech Technical University (CZ))   ()
11:15 WG5 (Heavy Ion) - Discussion - Karel Safarik (Czech Technical University (CZ)) Antonin Maire (IPHC - Strasbourg (CNRS-In2p3/Unistra))   ()
High Multiplicities (small system) (until 12:00) ()
11:30 WG3 (High Multiplicity) - Summary - Valentina Zaccolo (Universita e INFN Trieste (IT)) Christian Bierlich (Lund University (SE))   ()
11:45 WG3 (High Multiplicity) - Discussion - Valentina Zaccolo (Universita e INFN Trieste (IT)) Christian Bierlich (Lund University (SE))   ()
Break (until 14:00) ()
Monte Carlo, MB & UE - Guy Paic (Universidad Nacional Autonoma (MX)) (until 15:40) ()
14:00 Mueller dipole evolution in Pythia 8 - Christine Overgaard Rasmussen (Lund University)   ()
14:20 MC study of high multiplicity jet- and UE-biased pp collisions at the LHC energies - Antonio Ortiz Velasquez (Universidad Nacional Autonoma (MX))   ()
14:40 Run 2 results on Minimum Bias and Underlying Event by CMS - Ankita Mehta for the CMS Collaboration (Eötvös University, Budapest)   ()
15:00 Shoving mechanism in PYTHIA8 - Ms Smita Chakraborty (Lund University)   ()
15:20 MB and MC tuning at LHCb - Philip Ilten for the LHCb Collaboration (University of Birmingham (GB))   ()
Break (until 16:10) ()
Heavy Ions - Antonin Maire (IPHC - Strasbourg (CNRS-In2p3/Unistra)) (until 17:40) ()
16:10 Rivet as an experiment-theory interface for the heavy-ion community - Przemyslaw Karczmarczyk for the ALICE Collaboration (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))   ()
16:40 Azimuthal anisotropy of heavy-flavour production with ALICE at the LHC - Grazia Luparello (Universita e INFN Trieste (IT)) Dr Grazia Luparello for the ALICE Collaboration (INFN Trieste)   ()
17:00 Overview of hard and soft probe measurements with STAR at RHIC - Jana Bielcikova for the STAR Collaboration (Czech Academy of Sciences (CZ))   ()
Break (until 19:10) ()
Break (until 14:00) ()
Monte Carlo, MB & UE - Valentina Mariani (Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT)) (until 15:00) ()
14:00 Bose–Einstein correlations of charged hadrons in proton-proton collisions at the CMS experiment - Mate Csanad for the CMS Collaboration (Eotvos University, Budapest)   ()
14:20 Monte Carlo Modelling and Tuning in CMS - Dr Vieri Candelise for the CMS Collaboration (Universita e INFN Trieste (IT))   ()
14:40 Spacetime Colour Reconnection in Herwig 7 - Andrzej Konrad Siodmok (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))   ()
MPI & Small-x & diffraction - Christine Overgaard Rasmussen (Lund University) (until 15:25) ()
15:00 Measurements of single diffraction using forward proton tagging at ATLAS - Maciej Trzebinski for the ATLAS Collaboration (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))   ()
Break (until 15:55) ()
MPI & Small-x & diffraction - Christine Overgaard Rasmussen (Lund University) (until 17:35) ()
15:55 Diffractive excitation in pp and pA scattering at high energies - Dr P.V.R.G. Silva (Universidade Federal de Pelotas)   ()
16:20 CMS results on diffraction and exclusive production - Ankita Mehta for the CMS Collaboration (Eötvös University, Budapest)   ()
16:45 A complete picture of photon-initiated production at the LHC - Dr Lucian Harland-Lang (University of Oxford)   ()
17:10 Very-forward neutral particles production measured by the LHCf experiment - Alessio Tiberio for the LHCf Collaboration (INFN, Firenze (IT))   ()
Break (until 13:30) ()
13:30 --- Guided Tour ---
18:00 --- Staropramen Brewery - exhibition & beer tasting ---
19:00 --- Staropramen Brewery - Conference Dinner ---
Break (until 14:00) ()
Double Parton Scattering - Daria Savrina (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (RU)) (until 15:45) ()
14:00 Transverse partonic proton structure via double parton scattering at the LHC - Dr Matteo Rinaldi (Perugia University and INFN, Perugia)   ()
14:25 Double Parton Distributions for the Nucleon on the Lattice - Christian Zimmermann   ()
14:45 W+dijet production in pA collisions via DPS revisited - Federico Alberto Ceccopieri (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))   ()
15:05 Double parton distributions: evolution, initial conditions and transverse momentum dependence - Krzysztof Jan Golec-Biernat (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Krakow, Poland) Krzysztof Golec-Biernat (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cracow)   ()
15:25 Simulating Double Parton Scattering with dShower - Baptiste Cabouat (University of Manchester) Jonathan Richard Gaunt (CERN)   ()
Break (until 16:15) ()
High Multiplicities (small system) - Valentina Zaccolo (Universita e INFN Trieste (IT)) (until 17:45) ()
16:15 Hadronization of Deconfinement Matter in Terms of First-Order Phase Transition - Prof. Andrew Koshelkin (National Research Nuclear University)   ()
16:45 Charged particle multiplicity dependence of quarkonium production measured by the STAR experiment - Dr Leszek Kosarzewski for the STAR Collaboration (Czech Technical University in Prague)   ()
17:05 Quarkonium measurements in small systems at the LHC - Fiorella Fionda (University of Bergen (NO))   ()
17:25 Evolution of light- and heavy-flavor hadron production in pp collisions from low to high multiplicity at ALICE - Dr Barbara Antonina Trzeciak for the ALICE Collaboration (Czech Technical University in Prague)   ()
Break (until 13:00) ()