Lecture week on "Imaging with particles"
We plan to have lectures, lab visits and hands-on exercises.
- imaging - general CT concepts → X-ray CT, PET and fMRI
- Renate Gruener and colleagues, The Mohn Medical Imaging and Visualization Centre (MMIV), University of Bergen and the Haukeland University Hospital (https://mmiv.no/)
- imaging with protons → medical physics → proton-CT
- Dieter Roehrich and colleagues, Nuclear Physics, Microelectronics, IFT, UiB
- imaging surfaces with neutral atoms → nanoscience, archaeology
- Bodil Holst and colleagues, Nanophysics, IFT, UiB
- imaging with neutrons → life sciences
- Kanaki Kalliopi and colleagues, European Spallation Source (ESS)
The venue will be the Department of Physics and Technology on the UiB campus (Allegaten 55, room 359). It is close to many hotels as well as to the city center (map):
Department of physics and technology
University of Bergen
Allégaten 55
5007 Bergen (NO)
- Travel to Bergen
Bergen is located on the west coast of Norway. The best way to get here is by plane. From the airport (Flesland) there are daily connections e.g. to Amsterdam (KLM), Copenhagen (SAS) and Oslo (SAS/Norwegian). Air fares to European destinations start at around 2000 NOK.
- From the airport
Bergen Airport is situated 20 Km south of Bergen.
The airport express coach (airport bus) departs every 10 minutes (it takes about 30 minutes). A one-way ticket is ~100 NOK. For more information about timetable and stops please click here and select the stop you are interested. Main stops are: Bergen Busstasjon, Festeplassen (near Byparken), Fisketorget (fish market), Dreggsallmenningen (Bryggen area). The bus driver will announce which destination you arrived at. You can ask him/her information about your stop as well as to announce it.
The Bergen Light Rail ("Bybanen") runs from airport to Byparken (it takes about 40 minutes). A one-way ticket is ~40 NOK. Tickets can be bought from ticket machines, available at each stop. More details about timetable and stops can be found here.
Taxi fare from the airport to the city center is approximately 500 NOK (more during weekends and night / early morning).
Airport bus and taxi can be paid in the vehicle by a VISA-card.