The ATLAS experiment is the largest particle physics detector installed at the Large Hadron
Collider at CERN, which measures the proton-proton (or lead-lead) collisions at the world-
highest energies. The precision measurements of the physics processes and particles'
properties probe our current theory of elementary particles, the so-called Standard Model
(SM). The discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 opened a new territory to be explored - its
detailed properties and interactions. Another exciting goal for now and the future is the search
for new physics phenomena behind the SM.
The ATLAS Collaboration produces plenty of physics results every year. This talk
concentrates on recent analyses with significant contribution of Czech and Slovak physicist
participating in this experiment, for instance the measurement of selected Higgs boson
decays, top-quark physics, rare decays of B-mesons and heavy-ion physics.