7–10 Sept 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone
20. konference českých a slovenských fyziků

Czech participation in new European Large Research Infrastructure FAIR

8 Sept 2020, 11:40
lecture hall N1 (IMPAKT)

lecture hall N1



Kugler A. (NPI CAS, Řež)


Czech Republic is aspirant member of the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR)
since March 2019. Unique new European Large Research Infrastructure FAIR is currently
built up at the campus of German national laboratory for heavy ion research GSI Darmstadt.
It will cover research in nuclear and hadron physics as well as in associated fields. It is
included in the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI). The current
status of FAIR construction will be discussed as well as current status and future enlargement
of Czech participation in all four pillars of FAIR, i.e. in CBM, NuSTAR, PANDA a APPA.
Now days Czech scientist from NPI CAS, Silesian University at Opava and Czech Technical
University are involved in studies of compressed baryonic matter (HADES, CBM); team from
Silesian University is involved in studies related to nuclear astrophysics (NuSTAR); teams
from Charles University and Czech Technical University participate in R&D and construction
of detectors for PANDA pillar devoted to particle physics. APPA pillar is devoted to
application of nuclear and hadronic physics in further fields, like plasma physics,
radiobiology, testing of detectors for European Space Agency (ESA) etc. Small group from
NPI CAS interested in radiobiology participates now in APPA, further Czech groups involved
in other fields covered by APPA as well as by other pillars, are welcomed. Investments of
Czech groups in experiments planned to be carried out in FAIR are currently covered mainly
by Large Research Infrastructure FAIR-CZ.


Kugler A. (NPI CAS, Řež)

Presentation materials