Turbulence is one of the most fascinating phenomena in nature existing from Ångström
length-scales (quantized vortices in superfluid helium [La Mantia et al. 2016]) up to galactic
scales [Vatistas 2010]. One of the main features of turbulence is the presence of interacting
vortices of various strengths sizes and orientations. But the present description of turbulence
is based on statistical analysis of velocities or pressures. The vortex filament method is used in
numerical simulations of superfluid [Varga et al. 2017] or classical viscosity-damped
[Marchevsky 2020] turbulent flows. We introduce the approach of individual vortices into
experiments. We use the spatially resolved 2D velocity data obtained by using the
experimental method Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) to find the individual vortices in the
turbulent field and then we analyze their properties statistically.