Pressure-induced superconductivity in CeRhSi 3 and CeIrSi 3 has attracted a significant
attention for unconventional nature of the superconductivity in a non-centrosymmetric lattice.
All previous results, however, were limited to maximum 3 GPa of applied pressure. We focus
on a high-pressure-region behavior of the pressure-induced superconductivity in CeRhSi 3 . Our
study was performed employing the good-quality Sn-flux-grown single-crystal (electrical
current along [110]) and Bridgman anvil cell allowing to apply pressures up to 6 GPa. The
initial shift of antiferromagnetic transition to higher temperatures with applied pressure, up to
1.1 GPa; emergence of superconductivity at this pressure; subsequent decrease of Néel
temperature and increase of SC temperature with further pressure application were followed.
The critical SC temperature reaches a maximum at 2.9 GPa. No signs of magnetic transition
are observed. Further application of pressure shifts SC to lower temperatures, forming a
typical SC dome. The superconductivity is expected to be completely suppressed between 5
and 6 GPa. Measurements in magnetic fields revealed a considerable decrease of critical field
above 3 GPa, which exceeds the value of 19 T at the top of SC dome. Presented results are
summarized in the completed T-p and H-T phase diagrams, complementing previous results.