Instead of publishing traditional conference proceedings, the organizing committee has agreed with the journal "Few Body Systems" ( to publish a special issue:
Emergence and Structure of Baryons
-- Selected Contributions from the International Conference Baryons 2022 --
It will consist of invited review papers and a selection of regular articles. Every submitted article will be subjected to the usual journal procedure of assessing the required relevance and novelty through peer-review. The editors for this special issue are:
- FBS field editor:
Prof. Dr. Craig D. Roberts
School of Physics and Institute for Nonperturbative Physics,
Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210093, China
- Guest editors:
Prof. Dr. José Rodríguez-Quintero
Department of Integrated Sciences
University of Huelva, E-21071 Huelva, Spain.
Prof. Dr. Jorge Segovia
Department of Physical, Chemical and Natural Systems
University Pablo de Olavide, in Seville, E-41013 Seville, Spain.
Prof. Dr. Daria Sokhan
School of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK
And detailed information about the submission process can be found below:
Paper Format
The LaTeX macro package (zipfile) for Few-Body Systems can be found on the journal’s homepage clicking on submission guidelines.
When you use materials (pieces of text, illustrations & graphs) that have been published previously, by yourself or by others, please do obtain permission to use them and cite properly.
Number of pages
There is no limitation in the page numbers; however, a minimum of 6 pages is required.
Paper submission
Please submit your paper through Springer’s submission system by going to the journal’s homepage and clicking ‘Submit online’. Then, create your account (if you do not already have one) and upload your paper selecting the regular article type. During the procedure indicate that your manuscript belongs to the collection “Emergence and Structure of Baryons - Selected Contributions from the International Conference Baryons 2022”
The deadline for paper submission is March 31st, 2023. Extensions under request can be considered.
Peer review
Your paper will be peer-reviewed under supervision of the guest editors. Final acceptance will be on the discretion of E-i-C Prof. Alejandro Kievsky.
Typesetting and proofing
After acceptance, your paper will be typeset by Springer and you will receive proofs for correction.
Publication in the journal
Once fully corrected and complete your paper will be published online and be fully citeable by its DOI. It will be assigned to the next print issue. This means that the papers belonging to the collection will be spread over several (online and print) issues in 2023. In due time you can find the papers online by clicking ‘Topical Collections’ on the journal’s homepage and then clicking on the Special Issue dedicated to International Conference Baryons 2022.