35th RD50 Workshop (CERN)

from Monday 18 November 2019 (09:00) to Wednesday 20 November 2019 (17:00)
CERN (30/7-018)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
18 Nov 2019
19 Nov 2019
20 Nov 2019
Welcome - Michael Moll (CERN) (until 09:15) (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
09:00 Welcome and RD50 News - Michael Moll (CERN)   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
Full Detector Systems - Ben Nachman (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) (until 11:00) (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
09:15 Cobalt-60 gamma irradiation of p-type silicon test structures for the HL-LHC - Patrick Asenov (Nat. Cent. for Sci. Res. Demokritos (GR))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
09:35 A Proton Irradiation Site at the Bonn Isochronous Cyclotron at University of Bonn - Pascal Wolf (University of Bonn)   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
09:55 Chulalongkorn (TH): Local capabilities and TH-proposed R&D topics - Songphol Kanjanachuchai (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand)   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
10:10 Development of SiC sensors for harsh environment applications - Sofia Otero Ugobono (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) (ES))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Defect Characterization - Eckhart Fretwurst (Hamburg University (DE)) Michael Moll (CERN) Ioana Pintilie (NIMP Bucharest-Magurele, Romania) (until 17:00) (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
11:00 Evidence of charge multiplication in silicon detectors operated at a temperature of 1.9 K - Artem Shepelev (Ioffe Institute (RU))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
11:20 Enhanced influence of defect clusters on the electric field distribution in Si detectors: irradiation with 40Ar ions - Dr Vladimir Eremin (Ioffe Institute)   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
11:40 Investigation of the reactor neutron irradiated Si single crystal by a low energy neutron scattering. - Juozas Vaitkus (Vilnius University )   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
12:00 Electron transport via defect network - Prof. Darius Abramavicius (Institute of Chemical Physics, Vilnius University)   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
12:20 --- Lunch Break ---
13:30 Defect characterisation after electron irradiation and overview of acceptor removal in Boron doped Si - Yana Gurimskaya (CERN)   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
13:50 Low-temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy for LGAD structures - Kevin Lauer (CIS Institut fuer Mikrosensorik GmbH (DE))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
14:10 Modeling of Defects Properties in Bragg Peak - Ms Daria Mitina (Ioffe Institute (RU))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
14:30 Defect investigations of neutron irradiated high resistivity PiN and LGAD diodes - Ioana Pintilie (NIMP Bucharest-Magurele, Romania)   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
14:50 On the frequency dependence of the admittance of radiation damaged pad diodes - Joern Schwandt (Hamburg University (DE))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
15:10 --- Another Coffee Break ---
15:40 Radiation damage investigation of epitaxial P type Silicon using Schottky diodes and pn junctions - Enrico Giulio Villani (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
16:00 Discussion Session: Defects - Ioana Pintilie (NIMP Bucharest-Magurele, Romania)   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
Precision Timing Detectors - LGADs - Nicolo Cartiglia (INFN Torino (IT)) Roberta Arcidiacono (Universita e INFN Torino (IT)) Ivan Vila Alvarez (Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC)) (until 15:55) (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
09:00 Update on IHEP RD50 activities - Xin Shi (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
09:20 CNM activities on LGADs in the RD50 framework - Albert Doblas Moreno   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
09:40 Radiation hardness of 6" SoI CNM LGADs - Dr Vagelis Gkougkousis (Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies (IFAE))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
10:00 Annealing effects on LGAD performance - Gregor Kramberger (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
10:20 --- Coffee Break ---
10:50 Development of LGADs and AC-LGAD at BNL and neutron detection - Gabriele D'Amen (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
11:10 Characterization of the first RSD production at FBK - Marta Tornago (Universita e INFN Torino (IT)) Dr Marco Mandurrino (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
11:30 Interpad optimisation strategies on LGAD manufactured at FBK - Valentina Sola (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
11:50 Latest Developments on Trench-Isolated LGADs - Dr Giovanni Paternoster (Fondazione Bruno Kessler)   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
12:10 Laboratory measurements of FBK Trench-Isolated LGADs in Torino - Federico Siviero (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
12:30 --- Lunch Break ---
13:45 Popcorn Noise and Timing Measurements in LGADs - Julian Alexander Boell (Hamburg University (DE))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
14:05 Stability and operational safety on LGADs - Vagelis Gkougkousis (Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies (IFAE))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
14:25 Working points of UFSD sensors at HL-LHC - Nicolo Cartiglia (INFN Torino (IT))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
14:45 Parameterization of initial acceptor removal - thoughts - Matteo Centis Vignali (FBK)   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
14:55 Discussion Session: LGAD - Nicolo Cartiglia (INFN Torino (IT)) Ivan Vila Alvarez (Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC)) Ivan Vila (IFCA (CSIC-UC))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
15:25 --- Coffee Break ---
Sensor Characterization Techniques (TCT, CV); Extreme Fluences - Marcos Fernandez Garcia (Universidad de Cantabria and CSIC (ES)) Gregor Kramberger (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI)) (until 14:00) (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
09:00 Effective trapping probability of electrons in neutron irradiated Si detectors using Transient Current Technique simulations - Mr Chakresh Jain (CDRST, Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, India)   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
09:20 TPA-TCT -- Two Photon Absorption - Transient Current Technique - Moritz Oliver Wiehe (Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
09:40 Plasma Effects in TCT-TPA - Francisco Rogelio Palomo Pinto (Universidad de Sevilla (ES))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
10:00 Measurements with Si detectors irradiated to extreme fluences - Igor Mandic (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
10:20 Effects of trapping on the collected signals from subsequent laser pulses in irradiated silicon sensors - Leena Diehl (Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
10:40 --- Coffee Break ---
11:10 Determination of the electric field in highly-irradiated silicon sensors using edge-TCT measurements - Gregor Kramberger (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
11:30 Characterisation of 3D pixel sensors irradiated at extreme fluences - Maria Manna (Centro National de Microelectronica - CNM-IMB-CSIC)   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
11:50 Discussion Session: TCT, Extreme Fluences and Modelling - Gregor Kramberger (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
Collaboration Board - Gregor Kramberger (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI)) (until 19:00) (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
CMOS - Eva Vilella Figueras (University of Liverpool (GB)) Gianluigi Casse (University of Liverpool (GB)) (until 17:25) (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
15:55 ATLAS pixel detector radiation damage monitoring and modeling status report - Ben Nachman (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
16:15 A status update on the CMOS work package within the CERN-RD50 collaboration - Samuel Powell (University of Liverpool (GB)) Mr Samuel Powell (University of Liverpool)   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
16:35 Improving spatial resolution of radiation-tolerant pixel sensors - Sinuo Zhang (University of Bonn (DE))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
16:55 CMOS - Discussion - Eva Vilella Figueras (University of Liverpool (GB))   (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)
Dinner (until 23:30) (30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium)