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CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings and Gauge Theory 2020

6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin (CERN)

6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin


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Alexander Zhiboedov (CERN), Amit Sever (CERN), Timo Stephan Weigand (CERN), Wolfgang Lerche (CERN)

The CERN Winter School on Supergravity, Strings and Gauge Theory is the continuation of the yearly training school of the former EC-RTN string network "Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe". The 2020 edition of the school is supported and organized by the CERN Theory Department.

The school will cover the following topics: Recent advances in Quantum Field Theory, String Cosmology, Swampland vs Landscape Conjectures, Matrix models and c=1 String Theory.

Previous schools in this series were organized in 2005 at SISSA in Trieste, and in 2006, 2007, 2008, 20092010, 20112012, 2013, 2014, 2015201620172018 and 2019 at CERN, Geneva. The school is funded by the CERN Theory Department and the Arnold Sommerfeld Center at the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich.

Like its predecessors, this school is meant primarily for the training of doctoral students and young postdoctoral researchers in recent developments in theoretical high-energy physics and string theory. The program? of the school will consist of five series of pedagogical lectures, complemented by discussion sessions in the afternoons.

Scientific committee: L. Alvarez-Gaume, N. Beisert, J. de Boer, A. Ceresole, J. Drummond, J. Erdmenger, M. Gaberdiel, N. Lambert, D. Luest, B. Pioline, S. Schafer-Nameki, A. Sevrin, K. Stelle, S. Theisen, A. Uranga, A. Van Proeyen

Local organizers: W. Lerche, A. Sever, T. Weigand, A. Zhiboedov

Speakers: C. Cordova, M. Guica, L. Mcallister, E. Palti, X.Yin

The registration is now open!

  • Aaron Poole
  • Adam Chalabi
  • Adriana Guerrero Menkara
  • Akanksha Ahuja
  • Alessandro Mininno
  • Alexandre Sevrin
  • Andrea Sangiovanni
  • Andreas Schachner
  • Anna Ceresole
  • Antoine Van Proeyen
  • Archishna Bhattacharyya
  • Banlaki Andreas
  • Chiara Crino'
  • Christoph Roupec
  • Clay Cordova
  • Daniel Klaewer
  • Dario Partipilo
  • Deliang Zhong
  • Eran Palti
  • Gabriele Di Ubaldo
  • Ginevra Buratti
  • Horia Magureanu
  • Jorge Leonardo Mago Trejo
  • Keivan Namjou
  • Kellogg Stelle
  • Liam Mcallister
  • Linus Ho Yi Too
  • Maximilian Schwick
  • Monica Guica
  • Naomi Gendler
  • neil lambert
  • Nicole Righi
  • Petar Tadic
  • Peter Weck
  • Pieter Bomans
  • Pietro Pelliconi
  • Rishi Mouland
  • Roberto Caroli
  • Roberto Vega Álvarez
  • Robin Karlsson
  • Salvatore Baldino
  • Salvatore Raucci
  • Sandipan Bhattacherjee
  • Sascha Leonhardt
  • Sobral Blanco Daniel
  • Songyuan Li
  • Soonbin Kim
  • Stathis Vitouladitis
  • Timo Weigand
  • Tomas Ortin Miguel
  • Tournoy Magnus
  • Tristan Orchard
  • Vito Pellizzani
  • Yi Zhang
  • Yin Xi
  • Yixuan LI
  • Yoav Zagdon
  • Yoo-Jin Kang
  • Zachary Elgood