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July 28, 2020 to August 6, 2020
virtual conference
Europe/Prague timezone

Electroweak magnetic monopole: The lower mass bound

Jul 30, 2020, 1:33 PM
virtual conference

virtual conference

Poster 10. Formal Theory Formal Theory - Posters


Dr Petr Beneš (Czech Technical University in Prague)


We present exact solutions to the electroweak Cho-Maison magnetic monopole in a family of effective extensions of Standard Model that have a Bogomol’nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) limit. We find that the lower bound to the mass of the magnetic monopole is $M \geq 2\pi v/ g \approx 2.37\,\,\mathrm{TeV}$. We argue that this bound holds universally, not just in theories with a BPS limit.

Secondary track (number) 10 (Formal Theory)

Primary author

Dr Petr Beneš (Czech Technical University in Prague)


Dr Filip Blaschke (Czech Technical University in Prague, Silesian University in Opava)

Presentation materials