28 July 2020 to 6 August 2020
virtual conference
Europe/Prague timezone

Electroweak precision pseudo-observables at the e+e- Z-resonance region

29 Jul 2020, 15:30
virtual conference

virtual conference

Talk 10. Formal Theory Formal Theory


Janusz Gluza (University of Silesia (PL))


Phenomenologically relevant electroweak precision pseudo-observables related to the Z-boson physics are discussed in the context of strong experimental demands of future e+e- colliders.
The recent completion of two-loop Z-boson results is summarized and a prospect for the 3-loop SM calculation of the Z-boson decay pseudo-observables is given.


Patrizia Azzi (INFN Padova (IT)) Janusz Gluza (University of Silesia (PL))

Presentation materials