Damir Becirevic
(CNRS et Universite Paris Sud)
An attractive solution to the problem of B-anomalies is to combine two O(1 TeV) scalar leptoquarks in a coherent renormalizable scenario. We show that the combination of S3 and R2 leptoquarks provide such a framework that satisfies all of the low energy and high energy experimental constraints. Similarly, one can combine S1 and S3 leptoquarks but with more Yukawa couplings. The advantage of the later scenario, however, is that one can include right handed couplings to S1 leptoquark and fully accommodate the exerimental value for the muon's (g-2).
Secondary track (number) | 03 |
Olcyr Sumensari
(INFN Padova)
S Fajfer
(Univ. of Ljubljana and Inst. J. Stefan)
Nejc Košnik
(J. Stefan Institute, University of Ljubljana)
Federico Mescia
(Universitat de Barcelona)
Aleks Smolkovič
(Jozef Stefan Institute Ljubljana)
Damir Becirevic
(CNRS et Universite Paris Sud)
Florentin Jaffredo
(IJCLab, Université Paris-Saclay)