July 28, 2020 to August 6, 2020
virtual conference
Europe/Prague timezone

Latest Oscillation Results Combining Neutrino and Antineutrino Data from the NOvA Experiment

Jul 28, 2020, 7:30 PM
virtual conference

virtual conference

Talk 02. Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics


Michael Baird (University of Virginia)


The NOvA experiment is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment that uses the NuMI beam from Fermilab to detect both electron and muon flavored neutrinos in a Near Detector, located at Fermilab, and a Far Detector, located at Ash River, Minnesota. NOvA's primary physics goals include precision measurements of neutrino oscillation parameters, such as $\theta_{23}$ and the atmospheric mass-squared splitting, along with probes of the mass hierarchy and the CP violating phase. This talk will present the latest NOvA results using a combined neutrino and anti-neutrino dataset based on a beam exposure of approximately $13 \times 10^{20}$ protons-on-target in each dataset.

Primary author

Michael Baird (University of Virginia)

Presentation materials