28 July 2020 to 6 August 2020
virtual conference
Europe/Prague timezone

Sensitivity to leptonic $\delta_{CP}$ and $\theta_{12}$ with low energy atmospheric neutrinos

31 Jul 2020, 13:36
virtual conference

virtual conference

Poster 02. Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics - Posters


Dr Lakshmi S. Mohan (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw, Poland)


Leptonic CP violation phase $\delta_{CP}$ is one of the current unknowns in neutrino oscillation physics. Not knowing the hierarchy of neutrino masses can bring an ambiguity in the measurement of $\delta_{CP}$. While accelerator based long baseline experiments like the proposed DUNE experiment can determine $\delta_{CP}$ without hierarchy ambiguity, it is interesting to study low energy atmospheric neutrinos also for this purpose. Atmospheric neutrinos whose flux peaks at low (sub-GeV) energies will give a significant amount of events in addition to the event spectra being hierarchy independent at these energies. The effect of detector resolutions and systematic uncertainties on the sensitivity to $\delta_{CP}$ are studied.

It is also found that a detector which can separate neutrinos ($\nu$) from anti-neutrinos ($\overline{\nu}$) will give a better sensitivity to $\delta_{CP}$. In view of the large future neutrino detectors, low energy atmospheric neutrinos are interesting since a wide variety of physics other than $\delta_{CP}$ can be probed. We also study the sensitivity to $\theta_{12}$ using low energy atmospheric neutrinos.

D. Indumathi, S. M. Lakshmi, and M. V. N. Murthy,``Hierarchy independent sensitivity to leptonic $\delta_{CP}$ with atmospheric neutrinos", Phys.Rev. D 100, 115027, 2019.


Dr Lakshmi S. Mohan (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw, Poland) Prof. Indumathi D. (The Institute of Mathematical Sciences) Prof. Murthy M.V.N. (The Institute of Mathematical Sciences )

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