28 July 2020 to 6 August 2020
virtual conference
Europe/Prague timezone

Calibration status of the SuperNEMO calorimeter

31 Jul 2020, 13:51
virtual conference

virtual conference

Poster 02. Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics - Posters


Malak Hoballah


The SuperNEMO experiment aims at testing the Majorana nature of neutrinos, looking for the neutrinoless double beta decay. The final detector goal is to reach a sensitivity of $10^{26}$ years on the $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay half-life, i.e a Majorana neutrino mass of $50$-$100$ meV. The first module of the SuperNEMO experiment is under construction at Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane (LSM), with $6.23$ kg of $^{82}$Se. Electrons from disintegration are tracked when crossing the wire chamber, then their energies are measured by calorimetry. The calorimeter is composed of $712$ optical modules, an assembly of large volume plastic scintillators, mainly coupled with $8$ inch photomultipliers. It achieved a resolution of $8$% FWHM in energy, and $400$ ps in time at $1$ MeV. The commissioning of the SuperNEMO calorimeter has begun in $2019$. As photomultiplier signals are sampled by electronic boards, waveform parameter optimisations were implemented. The calorimeter response has been calibrated in energy using the internal $^{208}$Tl spectrum, and photomultipliers gain were equalised at $1$ MeV. A Cobalt $60$ source, emitting two gammas in coincidence, was used to determine the time resolution of all optical modules. The calorimeter performances of the first SuperNEMO module are presented.
Cloé Girard-Carillo, Hichem Tedjditi, Axel Pin, Malak Hoballah, Laurent Simard, Mathieu Bongrand, Christine Marquet, Yves Lemière, Emmanuel Chauveau, José Busto


Presentation materials