Formal Theory - Posters: Block I
- Jiří Novotný (IPNP, Charles Universtiy, Prague)
We argue that quantum electrodynamics combined with quantum gravity results in a new source of CP violation, anomalous non-conservation of chiral charge and quantisation of electric charge. Further phenomenological and cosmological implications of this observation are briefly discussed within the standard model of particle physics and cosmology
We present exact solutions to the electroweak Cho-Maison magnetic monopole in a family of effective extensions of Standard Model that have a Bogomol’nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) limit. We find that the lower bound to the mass of the magnetic monopole is $M \geq 2\pi v/ g \approx 2.37\,\,\mathrm{TeV}$. We argue that this bound holds universally, not just in theories with a BPS limit.
SO(5)\times U(1) \times SU(3) gauge-Higgs unification model inspired by
SO(11) gauge-Higgs grand unification is constructed in the Randall-Sundrum
warped space.
The 4D Higgs boson is identified with the Aharonov-Bohm phase in the
fifth dimension.
Fermion multiplets are introduced in the bulk in the spinor, vector and singlet
representations of SO(5) such that they are implemented in the...
Phase transitions are of wide interest to be sure; whether it's in superconductors or the early universe: Beyond the Standard Model scenarios like Baryogenesis cry out for a strong first-order phase transition. So a precise description of phase transitions is vital.
Phase transitions are, in field theory, studied with numerical methods (lattice) and perturbative calculations (the effective...