First workshop on "Perceiving the Emergence of Hadron Mass through AMBER@CERN" (EHM2020/1)
Attention: The Workshop will take place by videoconference only.
Due to the health emergency related to the Coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19), the in-person event is cancelled, and replaced by a videoconference-only workshop, on the same date:
The origin of the bulk of visible mass in the Universe is still unknown. Contrasting to the massiveness of the proton, the pion appears as unnaturally light, although both are of composite nature. This dichotomy forms a key part of the conundrum of “Emergence of Hadron Mass”. The mechanism responsible for the generation of mass is the dynamical breaking of the scale invariance in Quantum Chromodynamics; and measurements of parton distribution functions (PDFs) are sensitive to this effect and its corollaries.
PDFs can be experimentally accessed via deep inelastic scattering, by pion and kaon-induced Drell-Yan interactions, charmonium production at moderate energies and hadro-production of direct photons. Remarkable theoretical progress has been achieved during the last decade. The resulting predictions require confrontation with accurate experimental data, like those that would become available at the AMBER experiment, very recently proposed at CERN. The prospects opened by the AMBER proposal provide now the opportunity for reviewing the present theoretical understanding of the Emergence of Hadron Mass, in order to harden and extend the list of experimental observables accessible at AMBER.
This Theory Initiative will join theorists from high-energy nuclear and particle physics, in a dialogue with the experimentalists, addressing the origin of hadron masses. The workshop is meant to start a collaborative effort between the experimentalists proposing this new measurement campaign, the phenomenologists doing global data analyses for parton distributions, and hadron-structure theorists.
- Adam Szczepaniak
- Anna Martin
- Aurore Courtoy
- Bakur Parsamyan
- Boris Grube
- Catarina Quintans
- Chao Shi
- Craig Roberts
- Cédric Lorcé
- Cédric Mezrag
- Daniele Binosi
- David Richards
- Elmar Biernat
- Fei Gao
- Gastao Krein
- Huey-Wen Lin
- Jorge Segovia
- José Rodriguez Quintero
- Khépani Raya Montaño
- Lei Chang
- Marcia Quaresma
- Minghui Ding
- Oleg Denisov
- Paul E Reimer
- Ralf Gothe
- Raul Briceno
- Shusheng Xu
- Stefano Levorato
- Stephane Platchkov
- Valery Lyubovitsky
- Victor Mokeev
- Vincent Andrieux
- Vincent Mathieu
- Vladimir Saleev
- Wolf-Dieter Nowak
- Xingbo Zhao
- Ya Lu
- Zhu-Fang Cui