8:00 AM
Python & HEP: a perfect match, in theory
David Straub
(Lilium GmbH, Munich)
8:40 AM
A new PyROOT for ROOT 6.22
Enric Tejedor Saavedra
Stefan Wunsch
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
9:10 AM
resample: use the bootstrap and jackknife from Python
Hans Peter Dembinski
(Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg)
10:10 AM
Design Pattern for Analysis Automation on Interchangeable, Distributed Resources using Luigi Analysis Workflows
Marcel Rieger
10:40 AM
ServiceX: On-Demand Data Transformation and Delivery for the Present and HL-LHC Era
Kyungeon Choi
(University of Texas at Austin (US))