9:30 AM
Morning 1
(until 11:00 AM)
(Palazzo Milesi)
10:00 AM
Self-Completeness of Einstein Gravity
Georgi Dvali
(Palazzo Milesi)
10:30 AM
Testing the Left-Right Symmetric Model at the LHC
Sergei Gninenko
(Institute for Nuclear Research (INR))
(Palazzo Milesi)
11:00 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
11:30 AM
Morning 2
(until 1:00 PM)
(Palazzo Milesi)
11:30 AM
From type-II see-saw to a new mechanism of supersymmetry breaking
- Dr
Andrea Romanino
(SISSA, Trieste)
(Palazzo Milesi)
12:00 PM
Testing top-bottom-tau unification at the LHC
- Dr
Ilia Gogoladze
(University of Delaware)
(Palazzo Milesi)
12:30 PM
Low scale seesaw, LFV and CP phases
Miha Nemevsek
(Hamburg University)
(Palazzo Milesi)
9:30 AM
Morning 1
(until 11:00 AM)
(Palazzo Milesi)
9:30 AM
Neutrino mass and New approach to quark-lepton flavor unification
- Dr
Rabindra Mohapatra
(University of Maryland)
(Palazzo Milesi)
10:00 AM
CP Violation and Flavor Physics in Gauge-Higgs Unification
- Dr
Chong-Sa Lim
(Kobe University)
(Palazzo Milesi)
10:30 AM
The Right chances Left for Left Right symmetry at LHC
- Dr
Fabrizio Nesti
(University of Ferrara)
(Palazzo Milesi)
11:00 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
11:30 AM
Morning 2
(until 1:00 PM)
(Palazzo Milesi)
11:30 AM
Signals of light colored scalars from grand unification in the up quark sector
Svetlana Fajfer
(Palazzo Milesi)
12:00 PM
New Tev-scale Seesaw with Vectorlike Mediators
- Prof.
Ivica Picek
(Phys. Dept., University of Zagreb)
(Palazzo Milesi)
12:30 PM
The New MSGUT : Ready to Roll ?
Charanjit Aulakh
(Palazzo Milesi)
9:30 AM
Morning 1
(until 11:00 AM)
(Palazzo Milesi)
9:30 AM
- Dr
Borut Bajc
(Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana)
(Palazzo Milesi)
10:00 AM
The minimal fine-tuning principle and observable new physics
- Prof.
Stephen Barr
(University of Delaware)
(Palazzo Milesi)
10:30 AM
Dark Matter: general remarks and news from direct detection
Thomas Schwetz-Mangold
(Palazzo Milesi)
11:00 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
11:30 AM
Morning 2
(until 1:30 PM)
(Palazzo Milesi)
11:30 AM
Asymmetric Mirror Dark Matter and Energy Dependent Direct Detection
- Dr
Yue Zhang
(ICTP, Trieste)
(Palazzo Milesi)
12:00 PM
The degenerate gravitino scenario
Lotfi Boubekeur
(Palazzo Milesi)
12:30 PM
Graviton propagator in Loop Quantum Gravity
- Dr
Aleksandar Mikovic
(Lusofona University and GFMUL)
(Palazzo Milesi)
1:00 PM
The tiny neutrino mass and the Large hadron collider: What do they have in common?
- Prof.
Tao Han
(University of Wisconsin)
(Palazzo Milesi)
10:30 AM
(until 3:00 PM)
(Palazzo Milesi)
1:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
5:00 PM
Afternoon 1
(until 5:30 PM)
(Palazzo Milesi)
5:00 PM
Something New in the High Energy Limit of Spontaneously Broken Gauge Theories?
Denis Comelli
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
(Palazzo Milesi)
5:30 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
6:00 PM
Afternoon 2
(until 7:30 PM)
(Palazzo Milesi)
6:00 PM
The CKM matrix: status and sensitivity to new physics
Jose Ocariz
(IN2P3 France)
(Palazzo Milesi)
6:30 PM
Yukawa unifications and SUSY thresholds
- Mr
Enkhbat Tsedenbaljir
(ICTP, Trieste)
(Palazzo Milesi)
1:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
4:30 PM
Afternoon 1
(until 5:30 PM)
(Palazzo Milesi)
5:00 PM
Radiative Neutrino Mass Generation and Experimental Signals
- Dr
K. S. Babu
(Oklahoma State University)
(Palazzo Milesi)
5:30 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
6:00 PM
Afternoon 2
(until 7:30 PM)
(Palazzo Milesi)
6:00 PM
On d = 6 proton decay operators
Ilja Dorsner
(Palazzo Milesi)
6:30 PM
Partially Strong WW Scatterings
- Dr
Tzu-Chiang Yuan
(Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)
(Palazzo Milesi)