Nov 9 – 11, 2020
Online only
Europe/Zurich timezone

      The LHC Higgs cross-section working group (HXSWG) was created in January 2010. The aim of this group was to produce agreements on cross sections, branching ratios and pseudo-observables relevant to SM and MSSM Higgs boson(s). In spring 2012, the group was restructured and new subgroups were added with the goal of discussing Higgs property/measurement and BSM extensions. Four CERN Reports have been completed, "Inclusive Observables" (CERN-2011-002), "Differential Distributions" (CERN-2012-002),  "Higgs Properties" (CERN-2013-004) and "Deciphering the nature of the Higgs Sector" (CERN-2017-002).  This 17th general meeting will be an occasion to decide the future direction of the group.

Due to evolving and uncertain situation with the novel coronavirus outbreak, the format of this meeting will be online only. This year we would like to stay safe, reduce travel, and potentially reach wider audiences.

Zoom connection details:

You can follow this zoom link to join the meeting.
Meeting ID is 964 5971 8169


Online only
Registration for this event is currently open.