Parallel 1D - Dark sector
- Xiaoyong Chu (Institute of High Energy Physics (Vienna, Austria))
Parallel 1D - Dark sector
- Camilo Alfredo García-Cely
In this talk, I’ll present results from a global fit of Dirac fermion dark matter (DM) effective field theory using the GAMBIT software. We include operators up to dimension-7 that describe the interactions between gauge-singlet Dirac fermion and Standard Model quarks, gluons, and the photon. Our fit includes the latest constraints from the Planck satellite, direct and indirect detection...
Sub-GeV thermal relic dark matter typically requires the existence of a light mediator particle. We introduce the light two-Higgs-doublet portal, illustrated by a minimal UV-complete model for sub-GeV DM with kinematically forbidden annihilations into leptons.
All new physics states in this scenario lie at or below the electroweak scale, affecting Higgs physics, the muon anomalous magnetic...
We propose a novel mechanism for the production of dark matter (DM) from a thermal bath, based on the idea that DM particles $\chi$ can transform heat bath particles $\psi$: $\chi \psi \to \chi \chi$. For a small initial abundance of $\chi$ this leads to an exponential growth of the DM number density, in close analogy to other familiar exponential growth processes in nature. We demonstrate...
Feebly interacting thermal relics are promising dark matter candidates.
We introduce inelastic Dirac Dark Matter, a new model with two Dirac fermions in the MeV-GeV mass range. At feeble couplings, dark matter can depart from chemical as well as kinetic equilibrium with the Standard Model during the early stages of its evolution so that its relic abundance is not necessarily set by the well...
Relativistic protons and electrons in the extremely powerful jets of blazars may boost via elastic collisions the dark matter particles in the surroundings of the source to high energies. The blazar-boosted dark matter flux at Earth may be sizeable, larger than the flux associated with the analogous process of DM boosted by galactic cosmic rays, and relevant to access direct detection for dark...
I will present an extensive study of a rather generic model of the scotogenic type, providing a solution to the dark matter problem while including radiative generation of neutrino masses. After a short introduction to the model, I will review the main dark matter phenomenology based on a Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis. I will present the leptogenesis mechanism within the this model...
Any dark matter spikes surrounding black holes in our Galaxy are sites of significant dark matter annihilation, leading to a potentially detectable neutrino signal. In this paper we examine $10-10^5 M_\odot$ black holes associated with dark matter spikes that formed in early minihalos and still exist in our Milky Way Galaxy today, in light of neutrino data from the ANTARES and IceCube...
Gamma-ray observations have long been used to constrain the properties of dark matter (DM), with a strong focus on weakly interacting massive particles annihilating through velocity-independent processes. However, in the absence of clear-cut observational evidence for the most simple candidates, the interest in more complex DM scenarios involving a velocity-dependent cross-section has grown...
WIMP dark matter is still one of the better motivated candidates and its indirect observation via the products of it annihilation entails some of the largest experimental efforts nowadays. The correct observable to describing the high-energy photon spectrum from WIMP annihilation is the semi-inclusive process $\chi\chi\to\gamma+X$. In TeV-scale dark matter scenarios, non-perturbative effects...
We discuss the one-loop SUSY-QCD corrections to the neutralino relic density for pMSSM scenarios with light stops where we focus on stop annihilation into gluons and light quarks including Sommerfeld enhancement effects. These corrections are important as stop (co)-annihilation becomes the dominant contribution to the relic density for scenarios with a small mass difference between the...
Stars whose initial mass is between approximately 150 and 240 M$_\odot$ face a fate of complete explosion in a pair instability supernova (PISN). However, by injecting energy into the star, it may be possible in some cases to avoid this fate. We outline conditions on this energy injection which can lead to the survival or incomplete explosion of the star, and we discuss how dark matter...
We propose a novel model for lepton flavor and dark matter based on the SU(2)D gauge symmetry and vector-like leptons in its fundamental representations. We introduce a dark SU(2)D Higgs doublet and a Higgs bi-doublet for the mass mixing between the vector-like lepton and the lepton. As a result, the seesaw lepton masses are generated and there are sizable one-loop contributions to the muon...
${\rm U(1)}_{L_\mu - L_\tau} \equiv {\rm U(1)}_X$ model is anomaly free within the Standard Model (SM) fermion content, and can accommodate the muon $(g-2)$ data for $M_{Z'} \sim O(10-100)$ MeV and $g_X \sim (4 - 8) \times 10^{-4}$. WIMP type thermal dark matter (DM) can be also introduced for $M_{Z'} \sim 2 M_{\rm DM}$, if DM pair annihilations into the SM particles occur only through the...
Fifteen years after the BNL measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon (g-2) which led to the famous muon g-2 anomaly, this deviation from a prediction of the Standard Model was confirmed in 2021 by the Fermilab muon g-2 experiment. The state-of-the-art Standard Model prediction and the measured values of g-2 now differ by more than 4 standard deviations. In this talk, I will...