Parallel 3D - Dark sector
- Lesya Shchutska (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))
Parallel 3D - Dark sector
- Lesya Shchutska (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))
The presence of a non-baryonic Dark Matter (DM) component in the Universe is inferred from the observation of its gravitational interaction. If DM interacts weakly with Standard Model (SM) particles it could be produced at the LHC. The ATLAS experiment has developed a broad search program for DM candidates in final states with large missing transverse momentum produced in association with...
The study of the 125 GeV Higgs boson can open a window of sensitivity to a new dark sector. Results of searches for both prompt and non-prompt decays of the Higgs boson into new dark sector particles in 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector are presented. Searches that encompass a wide range of new particle masses, lifetimes and degrees of collimation of decay products are discussed.
Searches in CMS for dark matter in final states with invisible particles recoiling against visible states are presented. Various topologies and kinematic variables are explored, including jet substructure as a means of tagging heavy bosons. In this talk, we focus on the recent results obtained using the full Run-II dataset collected at the LHC.
The MoEDAL experiment deployed at IP8 on the LHC ring was the first dedicated search experiment to take data at the LHC's Run-2 in 2015. It was designed to search for Highly Ionizing Particle (HIP) avatars of new physics such as magnetic monopoles, dyons, Q-balls, multiply charged particles, massive slowly moving charged particles and long-lived massive charged SUSY particles. This class of...
We investigate how DM searches at the LHC can be improved by Deep Learning techniques. We look at the task of finding semi-visible jets arising from a dark sector model that couples to the SM. Finding this signature has been shown to be difficult compared to multi-prong decays from new heavy resonances. The task can be tackled with varying amount of supervision during training, trading...
Extensions of the Two Higgs Doublet model with a complex scalar singlet (2HDMS) can accommodate all current experimental constraints and are highly motivated candidates for Beyond Standard Model Physics. It can successfully provide a dark matter candidate as well as explain baryogenesis and provides gravitational wave signals. In this work, we focus on the dark matter phenomenology of the...
Belle has unique reach for a broad class of models that postulate the existence of dark matter particles with MeV—GeV masses. This talk presents recent world-leading physics results from Belle II searches for dark Higgstrahlung and invisible Z′ decays; as well as the near-term prospects for other dark-sector searches.
The CDF collaboration recently reported a new precise measurement of the W boson mass MW with a central value significantly larger than the SM prediction. We explore the effects of including this new measurement on a fit of the Standard Model (SM) to electroweak precision data. We characterize the tension of this new measurement with the SM and explore potential beyond the SM phenomena within...
SND@LHC is a compact and stand-alone experiment to perform measurements with neutrinos produced at the LHC in a hitherto unexplored pseudo-rapidity region of 7.2 < 𝜂 < 8.6, complementary to all the other experiments at the LHC. The experiment is to be located 480 m downstream of IP1 in the unused TI18 tunnel. The detector is composed of a hybrid system based on an 800 kg target mass of...
The search for dark matter signals is nowadays an important asset of many particle physics experiments at accelerators.
This approach to the dark matter study, the most abundant constituent of the universe, has contributed in setting more stringent limits on the characteristics of dark matter.
The Positron Annihilation into Dark Matter Experiment (PADME) [1] searches for a signal of a dark...