Sensors: Light-based detectors: Wednesday Early
- Sunny Seo (IBS (Institute for Basic Science))
- Ali Ajmi (University of Winnipeg)
Sensors: Light-based detectors: Wednesday Late
- Mark Chen (Queen's University)
- Matej Pavin (TRIUMF)
Sensors: Light-based detectors: Thursday Middle
- Yury Kudenko (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))
Zoom Room: TIPP2021 Parallel Room 5 for Wednesday Early session, Room 3 for Wednesday Late and Thursday Middle
(see e-mail sent to registered participants for connection details)
KamLAND-Zen searches for neutrinoless double-beta decay with an ultra-pure liquid-scintillator (LS) filled with a custom-made clean nylon balloon. The primary backgrounds are radioactive impurities such as uranium and thorium series.
To reduce them, we developed a self-vetoing balloon vessel for a future upgrade program, "KamLAND2-Zen", instead of the current nylon-made balloon.
The Time-Of-Propagation (TOP) counter is a novel ring-imaging
Cherenkov detector that primarily consists of a quartz bar radiator,
micro-channel plate photomultipliers and front-end readout
electronics. These TOP counters are installed in the central region of
the Belle II detector to provide the crucial information on charged
particle identification (PID).
Here we present an overview of...
The future $e^{-}e^{+}$ Super Charm-Tau Factory (SCTF) to be built at Novosibirsk will cover an energy range of 2 -- 6 GeV. The projected record luminosity of $10^{35}$ cm $^{-2} s^{-1}$ and the longitudinal polarization of the electrons will enable a wide range of standard model precision tests and options for the discovery of flavor violating decays beyond the standard model. A 4$\pi$...
The LHCb Upgrade 2 will run at a luminosity of $(1..2)\cdot10^{34} cm^{-2}s^{-1}$ to collect ~300 fb$^{-1}$ of data. This will require a major revision of the LHCb Calorimeter. The increased luminosity will result in very high particle densities and radiation doses in the central area. The ECAL has to provide high-quality energy and position measurement for electromagnetic showers. One option...
In this manuscript, we investigated the possibility of cerium-doped galuminum gallium garnet (GAGG: Ce) coupled to an ultrafast photomultiplier tube (FPMT) to achieve neutron gamma discrimination. The rise time of the FPMT used in this manuscript is 100ps, and the Transit Time Spread (TTS) in single-photon mode can reach 46ps, which can distinguish neutron signals from gamma signals. Using a...
The SoLID project at Jefferson Laboratory will use a light gas Cherenkov detector for electron identification as part of their trigger. Due to the very high luminosity of the proposed experiments, the expected single-photon background rate is exceptionally high. It is essential to validate the planned photosensors and readout electronics to determine the limits of these sensors and mitigate...
The recent announcement of the construction of an Electron Ion Collider (EIC) at Brookhaven National Lab by the U.S. Department of Energy makes the reality of a long-sought experimental effort to explore the structure and properties of proton and nuclei. Particle identification (PID) of the final state hadrons is a key requirement for EIC. A compact, projective, and modular ring imaging...
Large volumes of liquid Argon constitute an excellent medium for the detection of neutrino interactions.
As an alternative or a complement to the established readout method based on charge collection, the scintillation light produced by Argon may allow to reconstruct charged particle tracks by means of an imaging detector. Constructing such a device presents several challenges: the...
We have measured, for the first time in pure Xe, non-excimer-based secondary scintillation, Neutral Bremsstrahlung (NBrS), in a dedicated setup based on a Gas Proportional Scintillation Counter.
The emission of NBrS by drifting electrons occurs even for electric field values below the gas excitation threshold. We have shown the presence of NBrS in the NEXT-White TPC, at present the largest...
Future neutrino detectors, whether answering questions of fundamental physics or exercising nuclear monitoring techniques, will require advanced technologies for optimal performance. One such candidate technology is water-based liquid scintillator (WbLS), a material for which Cherenkov and scintillation light may be discriminated and examined independently. We present a measurement of the...
A highly granular scintillator detector SuperFGD is under construction to reduce systematic uncertainties in the T2K experiment in order to improve the sensitivity to CP-violation in neutrino oscillations. SuperFGD will be comprised of about 2x10^6 of optically isolated small (10x10x10 mm^3) polystyrene based plastic scintillator cubes with three orthogonal holes of 1.5 mm in...
The calibration of all parts of water Cherenkov detectors is essential to obtain the precision measurements being pursued in current and next generation neutrino experiments. The positioning of photosensors within the detector and of calibration sources used to calibrate the detector may slightly deviate from the design, and these deviations may cause biases in event reconstruction....
The High Energy Cosmic Radiation Detection (HERD) facility onboard the future China's Space Station (CSS) will provide high quality data on charged cosmic rays and gamma rays in the energy range from few GeV to PeV. HERD will be equipped with a fine granularity cubic crystals calorimeter and a microstrip Si tracker detector. The entire instrument will be surrounded by a Plastic Scintillator...
The astrophysical community is currently focusing its efforts in the development of a new generation of gamma-ray telescopes to detect low-energy photons in the MeV-GeV energy range, operating both in the Compton and pair conversion regimes. The reconstruction of the incident photons energy and direction is not straightforward, as the range of secondary particles produced by photon...
Pulse-shape discrimination between nuclear and electronic recoil is a powerful technique to improve background rejection in scintillation detectors.
Until recently, only the liquid form of PSD organic scintillators has been available. The invention of stable plastic PSD scintillators at LLNL made it possible to envision a new class of radiation detectors. The plastic form is advantageous...