By a quantum speed limit one usually understands an estimate on how
fast a quantum system can evolve between two distinguishable states.
The most known quantum speed limit is known in the form of the
celebrated Mandelstam-Tamm inequality that bounds the speed of the
evolution of a state in terms of its energy dispersion. In contrast
to the basic Mandelstam-Tamm inequality, we are concerned not with a
single state but with a (possibly infinite-dimensional) subspace
which is subject to the Schr\"odinger evolution. By using the
concept of maximal angle between subspaces we derive optimal bounds
on the speed of such a subspace evolution. These bounds may be
viewed as further generalizations of the Mandelstam-Tamm inequality.
In the present work we extend some of our previous results [1] to
the case of unbounded Hamiltonians.
This is a joint work with Sergio Albeverio.
[1] S.Albeverio and A.K.Motovilov, Quantum speed limits for
time evolution of a system subspace, arXiv:2011.02778 (2020) [8