The array of 8 CeBr3–NaI(Tl) phoswich detectors coupled to 6-12 CsI(Tl) MULTI 4π γ-spectrometer (Fig.1 Left) of MULTI [1-3] setup was designed at FLNR JINR for studying reaction cross sections with neutron-rich nuclei [4, 5]. The array of 9 CeBr3–NaI(Tl) phoswich detectors (Fig.1 Right) can be used as PARIS cluster [6] for study of β-decay process accompanied by γ-rays from high-lying collective Giant Dipole Resonances (GDR) and low-lying collective Pygmy Dipole Resonances (PDR) from the daughter nuclei.
The cluster of 9 phoswich detectors has been tested with neutrons and γ-rays at various γ-ray energies using radioactive sources. The investigation results of the response functions of phoswich detectors to γ-radiation at the low energy range (efficiency, pick efficiency, Compton-suppression coefficient, etc.) in depending on the detector-source distance and γ-ray energy are presented. The measurements were carried-out within γ-tagged method. The experimental results are compared with GEANT4 calculations. The complex scintillation waveforms of phoswich detectors have been investigated both the digital (Mesytec Digital Pulse Processor MDPP-16) and analog (Mesytec MADC-32, MQDC-32) electronics [7].
Two-dimensional waveform analysis of phoswich pulses based on the digital electronics were compared to the analog discrimination methods. Both approaches allow to separate clearly the CeBr3 and NaI(Tl) scintillation components of phoswich detectors.
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