I.N. Borzov 1,2
1 National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”, 123182, Moscow, Russia
2Bogolubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, 141980,
†E-mail: Borzov_IN@nrcki.ru, cc: ibor48@mail.ru
The first direct detection of the neutrinos from carbon-nitrogen-oxygen (CNO) fusion cycle in the Sun has been announced recently by the BOREXINO Collaboration [1]. An estimate of possible “CNO-like” events induced by geo-antineutrino from 40K decay in the Hydride model of the Earth has been done in [2]. This has revived attention to the additional experimental prospects given by improved 115In detector system (LENS Project [3]).
In the report, the CNO neutrino capture rates for 115In are calculated within a revised self-consistent approach to the charge-exchange excitations of odd-A nuclei [4]. It includes new version of the Fayans functional DF3-a fitted to the spin-orbit splitting data for 105 nuclei [5]. The β-decay strength function is calculated within continuum Quasiparticle Random Phase (pnQRPA) approximation including the Gamow-Teller and first-forbidden transitions [6].
Supported by the grant of Russian Scientific Foundation (RSF 21-12-00061).
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