Preliminary studies on double beta decay processes in $^{106}$Cd were performed by using a cadmium tungstate scintillator $^{106}$CdWO$_4$ (mass 215.4 g) enriched in $^{106}$Cd at 66%, together with two natural CdWO$_4$ scintillation detectors. Their geometry was such to cover a large part of the solid angle around the enriched crystal. The experiment is enclosed in the DAMA/R&D setup, located at the LNGS. Monte Carlo simulations were carried out in order to study the background and the contaminations present in the various materials of the experimental set-up and the expected signal. New half-life limits have been set on the various double beta decay channels of $^{106}$Cd at the level of lim T$_{1/2}$$\sim$10$^{20}$-10$^{22}$ yr. They were obtained through the analysis of data accumulated for 467 days, studying the coincidence and/or anticoincidence events in the three detectors. The sensitivity obtained on the T$_{1/2}$ for the positron-emitting electron capture process with two neutrinos emission in $^{106}$Cd was preliminarily estimated as T$_{1/2}$ $\ge$ 1.6 $\times$ 10$^{21}$ yr, which is within the region of the theoretical predictions for this process i.e. in the range of T$_{1/2}$ = 10$^{21}$-10$^{22}$ yr.
Alice Leoncini, PhD student, Università degli Studi Roma La Sapienza, Italy, https://www.uniroma1.it/
Is this abstract from experiment? | Yes |
Name of experiment and experimental site | DAMA, LNGS |
Is the speaker for that presentation defined? | Yes |
Internet talk | Yes |