10th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP 2021)

from Monday 23 August 2021 (13:30) to Thursday 7 October 2021 (21:00)
Venue: OAC conference center, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece. Participation is possible also via internet.

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
23 Aug 2021
24 Aug 2021
25 Aug 2021
26 Aug 2021
27 Aug 2021
28 Aug 2021
29 Aug 2021
30 Aug 2021
31 Aug 2021
1 Sept 2021
2 Sept 2021
3 Sept 2021
7 Oct 2021
08:00 Opening of the conference   (Room 1)
A High Energy Particle Physics - Tommaso Dorigo (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT)) (until 10:30) (Room 1)
08:30 LHCb highlights - Elena Graverini (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))   (Room 1)
09:00 Highlights of ATLAS results - Thorsten Kuhl (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))   (Room 1)
09:30 CMS Highlights - Swagata Mukherjee (Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))   (Room 1)
10:00 Overview of the ALICE results - Katarina Krizkova Gajdosova (Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ))   (Room 1)
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
A High Energy Particle Physics - Thorsten Kuhl (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)) (until 13:30) (Room 1)
11:30 The Phase-2 upgrade of the CMS experiment at LHC - Davide Zuolo (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))   (Room 1)
12:00 Upgrade of the ALICE experiment beyond LHC Run 3 - Domenico Colella (Politecnico and INFN Bari, Italy)   (Room 1)
12:30 Overview of the latest Higgs physics results from the CMS experiment - Angela Taliercio (Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))   (Room 1)
13:00 Searches for Higgs boson pair production with the full LHC Run 2 dataset in ATLAS - James Cameron Grundy (University of Oxford (GB))   (Room 1)
D Cosmology, Astrophysics, Gravity, Mathematical Physics - Egor Podlesnyi (until 09:30) (Room 1)
08:30 Cosmology and multi-messenger astrophysics with Gamma-Ray Bursts - Dr Lorenzo Amati (INAF - OAS Bologna)   (Room 1)
09:00 Results from LIGO Virgo KAGRA Collaboration for last observing run - Dr Claudia Lazzaro (Università degli Studi di Padova)   (Room 1)
Workshop on New physics paradigms after Higgs and gravitational wave discoveries (until 10:30) (Room 1)
09:30 The cosmological constant in supergravity and string theory - Ignatios Antoniadis (CNRS/Sorbonne University)   (Room 1)
10:00 Extremal black holes and de Sitter weak gravity conjectures - Karim Benakli (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   (Room 1)
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
A High Energy Particle Physics - Aleksei Tanashkin (Far Eastern Federal University, Pacific Quantum Center) (until 13:30) (Room 3)
11:00 Rare nuclear processes in Hf isotopes - Vincenzo Caracciolo (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   (Room 3)
11:30 Preliminary search for double beta decay processes in 106Cd using 106CdWO4 scintillator - Dr Alice Leoncini (INFN, Sezione Roma “La Sapienza”, I-00185 Rome, Italy)   (Room 3)
12:00 The half-life of 212Po - Nazar Sokur (INR of NASU)   (Room 3)
12:30 Latest results from the CUORE experiment - Sachinthya Wagaarachchi (University of California, Berkeley)   (Room 3)
D Cosmology, Astrophysics, Gravity, Mathematical Physics - Claudia Lazzaro (Università degli Studi di Padova) (until 13:30) (Room 4)
11:00 Silicon Drift Detectors for high precision exotic atoms X-ray spectroscopy - Dr Francesco Sgaramella (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   (Room 4)
11:30 Probing very weakly coupled Dark Matter with gravitational waves - Sabir Ramazanov (CEICO, Institute of Physics (Prague))   (Room 4)
12:00 Axion Dark Matter Search Results of CAST-CAPP - Kaan Ozbozduman (Istanbul Bilgi University (TR))   (Room 4)
12:30 Antimatter Cosmic Rays and Dark Matter - Ilias Cholis (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)   (Room 4)
13:00 Effect of anisotropic photon polarisation tensor on longitudinal electrical conductivity in neutron star crust - Aritra Das   (Room 4)
Mini-workshop on Machine Learning for Particle Physics - Tommaso Dorigo (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT)) (until 13:30) (Room 2)
11:00 Mitigation of systematic errors induced biases in ML-based selection in HEP analysis - Francisco Matorras (Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria, Santander, IFCA (ES))   (Room 2)
11:30 Reconstruction of the transverse momentum of a dark matter mediator using a neural network in regression mode - Mr Rubén López Ruiz (University of Cantabria)   (Room 2)
12:00 Machine learning classification for D0 meson signal extraction in d+Au collisions - Kateřina Hladká (Czech Technical University in Prague)   (Room 2)
12:30 Muon Energy Regression from Radiative Losses in a Granular Calorimeter - Lukas Layer (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))   (Room 2)
13:00 Higgs self-coupling measurements in the HL-LHC era: new approaches for the HH->4b final state. - Santiago Rafael Paredes Saenz (Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE))   (Room 2)
Workshop on New physics paradigms after Higgs and gravitational wave discoveries (until 12:30) ()
11:00 Dark matter bound states - Kalia Petraki   ()
11:30 Recasting the CMS disappearing track search(es) - Mark Dayvon Goodsell (Univ. P. et Marie Curie Paris VI (FR))   ()
12:00 Future plans for GW detectors - Dr Paola Puppo (INFN)   ()
D Cosmology, Astrophysics, Gravity, Mathematical Physics (until 10:30) (Room 1)
08:30 Status, Upgrades and Prospects for the advanced LIGO gravitational wave detectors - Lee McCuller (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   (Room 1)
09:00 Cosmology and cosmic rays propagation in the relativity with a preferred frame - Georgy Burde (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)   (Room 1)
09:30 Testing General Relativity with Gravitational Wave Observations - Geraint Pratten (University of Birmingham)   (Room 1)
10:00 Gravitational Wave signature of models with low energy supersymmetry breaking - Dmitry Gorbunov (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))   (Room 1)
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
B Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena (until 12:00) (Room 1)
11:00 In-medium effects in strangeness production in heavy-ion collisions at (sub-)threshold energies - Elena Bratkovskaya (GSI, Darmstadt)   (Room 1)
11:30 How clusters can survive in the expanding fireball in heavy ion collisions - Joerg Aichelin (Subatech/CNRS)   (Room 1)
A High Energy Particle Physics (until 10:30) (Room 1)
08:30 Multi-lepton anomalies at the LHC and implications - Bruce Mellado Garcia (University of the Witwatersrand)   (Room 1)
09:00 Track and Vertex reconstruction in the ATLAS for the LHC Run 3 and High-Luminosity phases - Markus Elsing (CERN)   (Room 1)
09:30 Rollercoaster Cosmology - Nemanja Kaloper   (Room 1)
10:00 Event-by-event fluctuations, elliptic and triangular eccentricities, and novel A-dependence of anisotropic flow harmonics (in very central A+A collisions) - Dr Evgeny Zabrodin (University of Oslo)   (Room 1)
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
A High Energy Particle Physics (until 13:30) (Room 3)
11:00 High-Resolution Microcalorimeter Measurement of X-Ray Transitions in He-like Uranium at CRYRING@ESR - Ph. Pfäfflein (Helmholtz Institute Jena;Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena;GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)   (Room 3)
11:30 Quantitative Entropy Study of Language Complexity - Rongrong Xie (Central China Normal University)   (Room 3)
12:00 Kaonic atoms at the DAFNE collider - Fabrizio Napolitano (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   (Room 3)
12:30 Annihilation and nuclear elastic scattering of low-energy antinucleons - Stefano Migliorati (Università degli Studi di Brescia & INFN - Sezione di Pavia)   (Room 3)
A High Energy Particle Physics (until 13:30) (Room 4)
11:00 Rapidity and angular correlations in multi-Regge kinematics - Dr Grigorios Chachamis (LIP, Lisbon)   (Room 4)
11:30 Search for lepton number and flavour violation in K+ and pi0 decays - Thomas Bache (University of Birmingham (GB)) Other Author   (Room 4)
12:00 Effect of hardronization on Lambda polarization in heavy ion collisions - Prof. Yilong Xie (China University of Geosciences(Wuhan))   (Room 4)
12:30 Measurement of the very rare K+ to pi+ nu nubar decay - Andrea Bizzeti (Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia e INFN, Firenze (IT))   (Room 4)
13:00 Phenomenology of two photon emission for hot and dense quark gluon plasma - Ms Ritu Yadav (Deshbandhu college, University of Delhi)   (Room 4)
B Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena (until 13:30) (Room 1)
11:00 Particle polarization in heavy-ion collisions at moderately relativistic energies - Yuri Ivanov (JINR)   (Room 1)
11:30 Hadronic resonances in heavy-ion collisions at NICA energies and their reconstruction in the MPD setup - Viktor Riabov (NRC Kurchatov Institute PNPI (RU))   (Room 1)
12:30 Probing the properties of dense nuclear matter with photon conversions at NICA - Nazar Burmasov (NRC Kurchatov Institute PNPI (RU))   (Room 1)
13:00 Charged-particle multiplicity distribution of Heavy flavor decay leptons in proton-proton collisions using Pythia8 at LHC energies - Dr Tinku Sarkar - Sinha (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (IN))   (Room 1)
Mini-workshop on Machine Learning for Particle Physics (until 13:50) (Room 2)
11:00 Machine Learning for Real-Time Processing of ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Signals with FPGAs - Etienne Marie Fortin (Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS/IN2P3, CPPM, Marseille, France)   (Room 2)
11:30 Graph Networks   (Room 2)
12:00 RanBox: Anomaly Detection in the Copula Space - Tommaso Dorigo (INFN Padova)   (Room 2)
12:30 Bayesian resampling approaches to the problem of matrix inversion without actually inverting any matrix - Dr Pietro Vischia (Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))   (Room 2)
13:00 Missing values treatment in event classification. - Aleksandr Petukhov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (RU))   (Room 2)
08:30 --- Conference excursions ---
B Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena (until 10:30) (Room 1)
08:30 Overview of Heavy Ion Results at LHCb - Prof. Valery Pugatch (Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (UA))   (Room 1)
09:00 Exploring cosmic matter with heavy-ion collisions - Peter Senger (GSI)   (Room 1)
09:30 Annual Modulation Results from DAMA/LIBRA - Dr Riccardo Cerulli (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   (Room 1)
10:00 A model of dark photons as dark matter in a multi-temperature universe - Amin Abou Ibrahim (Institute for theoretical physics, Münster University)   (Room 1)
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
B Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena (until 13:30) (Room 1)
11:00 Collective modes in chiral anisotropic quark-gluon plasma - Margaret Carrington (Brandon University)   (Room 1)
11:30 Vorticity Effect in Heavy-ion Collision - Mr Anke Lei (Department of Physics, Wuhan University of Technology)   (Room 1)
12:00 Nature of particles azimuthal anisotropy at low and high transverse momenta in ultrarelativistic A+A collisions - Gyulnara Eyyubova (M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (RU))   (Room 1)
12:30 Overview of recent heavy flavor measurements from the STAR experiment - Mr Te-Chuan Huang (National Cheng Kung University)   (Room 1)
13:00 Decoupling the rates of Bottomonium dissociation and recombination reactions in heavy-ion collisions using Bateman equation - Abdulla Abdulsalam   (Room 1)
B Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena (until 13:30) (Room 3)
11:00 Study on production of ${\rm K}_{\rm S}^{0}$, $\Lambda$ ($\overline{\Lambda}$), $\Xi^{\pm}$ and $\Omega^{\pm}$ in jets and underlying events in pp and p--Pb collisions with ALICE - Pengyao Cui (Central China Normal University CCNU (CN))   (Room 3)
11:25 Study of spectator distributions in the HADES experiment - Elisaveta Zherebtsova   (Room 3)
11:50 Search for the QCD critical point by the NA61/SHINE experiment - Haradhan Adhikary (Jan Kochanowski University (PL))   (Room 3)
12:15 Validation of Glauber model in centrality determination for small systems - Niveditha Ramasubramanian (Stony Brook University)   (Room 3)
12:40 Production of charged-particles in proton-proton and heavy-ion collisions using RIVET analysis - Md Samsul Islam (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (IN))   (Room 3)
13:05 Nonequilibrium cumulants of the chiral order parameter and the net-proton number at lower RHIC energies - Christoph Herold (Suranaree University of Technology)   (Room 3)
Mini Workshop on Instruments and Methods in HEP (until 13:30) (Room 4)
11:00 Trigger (CMS) - Pallabi Das (Princeton University (US))   (Room 4)
11:30 Status of the MUonE experiment - Giovanni Abbiendi (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))   (Room 4)
12:00 Stimulated deexcitation of antihydrogen atoms - Tim Wolz (CERN)   (Room 4)
12:30 Recent SND experiment results on e+e− annihilation to hadrons - Dr Aleksandr Korol (BINP, Novosibirsk)   (Room 4)
Workshop on Laser Fusion, a spin-off from heavy-ion collisions (until 13:30) (Room 2)
11:00 Laser Induced Nano Fusion - Prof. Laszlo Pal Csernai (University of Bergen)   (Room 2)
11:35 High intensity plasmonics - Prof. Norbert Kroo   (Room 2)
12:05 Gold nanorods induced nanoplasmonic effect on structural changes during high intensity laser irradiation of UDMA polymer - Judit Kaman (Wigner Research Centre for Physics)   (Room 2)
12:35 Coulomb field correction due to virtual e+e− production in heavy ion collisions - Thomas Settlemyre (Texas A & M University)   (Room 2)
13:05 Particle-in-cel simulations for Nanoplasmonic Laser Induced Fusion Experiments - Dr Istvan Papp (University of Babeș-Bolyai)   (Room 2)
Workshop on Lattice and Condensed Matter Physics (until 09:30) (Room 1)
08:30 Strong inhibition of convection in Dirac semimetals - Eduard Gorbar (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics)   (Room 1)
09:00 Non-perturbative effects in the Fermi velocity renormalization in graphene - Dr Maksim Ulybyshev (University of Würzburg)   (Room 1)
A High Energy Particle Physics (until 10:30) (Room 1)
09:30 Searches for new phenomena with the ATLAS detector - Mohsen Naseri (Carleton University (CA))   (Room 1)
10:00 Belle II status and prospects - Paolo Branchini (Universita e INFN Roma Tre (IT))   (Room 1)
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
B Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena (until 13:30) (Room 2)
11:00 Measurements of open charm hadrons in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}} = 200\:\textrm{GeV}$ by the STAR experiment - Jan Vaněk (Nuclear Physics Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences)   (Room 2)
11:30 Influence of chiral imbalance on color superconductivity phenomenon - Roman Zhokhov (IHEP)   (Room 2)
12:00 Tsallis statistics, thermofractals and QCD - Dr Eugenio Megias (University of Granada)   (Room 2)
12:30 Upgrade of the BM@N detector for studies of heavy ion interactions - Anna Maksymchuk (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))   (Room 2)
13:00 Electrical and Hall Conductivities of a hot and magnetized pion gas in heavy ion collisions - Pallavi Kalikotay   (Room 2)
C Quantum Physics, Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (until 13:30) (Room 3)
11:00 Quantum Sequential Hypothesis Testing - Michalis Skotiniotis (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)   (Room 3)
11:30 Angular correlations in Compton scattering of entangled and decoherent annihilation photons - Mr Alexander Strizhak (Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences(RU))   (Room 3)
12:00 Quantum field correlations in the presence of a movable boundary - Prof. Roberto Passante (Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica - Emilio Segrè, Università degli Studi di Palermo)   (Room 3)
12:30 Two-atom Interferometry - Mary Locke (University of Maryland Baltimore County)   (Room 3)
Workshop on Lattice and Condensed Matter Physics (until 13:30) (Room 4)
11:00 Chiral Spirals in QCD or Quantum Spin Liquid? - Semeon Valgushev (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Room 4)
11:30 High energy QCD Lipatov's effective action in Euclidean space - Prof. Sergey Bondarenko (Ariel University, Israel)   (Room 4)
12:00 Anomalous fractional quantum Hall effect and multi-valued Hamiltonians - Xi Wu   (Room 4)
12:30 Electroweak transitions due to magnetic field: first-principle lattice results - Maxim Chernodub (University of Tours, CNRS)   (Room 4)
13:00 Hall conductivity topology using the magnetic Brillouin zone procedure - Mr Michael Suleymanov (Ariel University)   (Room 4)
Workshop on Physics at FAIR-NICA-SPS-BES/RHIC (until 13:30) (Room 1)
11:00 Studying the QCD phase diagram through higher-order fluctuations in RHIC-BES at STAR - Dr Toshihiro Nonaka (University of Tsukuba)   (Room 1)
11:30 Light-nuclei production in heavy-ion collisions in Three-fluid Hydrodynamics-based Event Simulator (THESEUS) - Marina Kozhevnikova (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia)   (Room 1)
12:00 Vorticity in Heavy-Ion Collisions at NICA Energies - Dr Evgeny Kolomeitsev (LTP JINR, Dubna)   (Room 1)
12:30 A machine learning procedure for the selection of muon track candidates in the CBM experiment. - Anna Senger (GSI)   (Room 1)
13:00 Ambiguities in the hadro-chemical freeze-out of Au+Au collisions at SIS18 energies and how to resolve them - Anton Motornenko (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)   (Room 1)
A High Energy Particle Physics (until 10:30) (Room 1)
09:00 Holographic QCD for NICA - Irina Aref'eva (Steklov mathematical Institute)   (Room 1)
09:30 T2K Status and plans - César Jesús-Valls (IFAE)   (Room 1)
10:00 Searches for light Higgs bosons - Somnath Choudhury (Indian Institute of Science (IN))   (Room 1)
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
A High Energy Particle Physics (until 13:30) (Room 4)
11:00 Prospects on closing the window of sterile neutrino dark matter - Dmitry Gorbunov (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))   (Room 4)
11:30 SoLid -- Measuring Reactor Anti-neutrinos at Very Short Baselines - Savitri GALLEGO (CNRS)   (Room 4)
12:00 Search for feebly interactive particles: the PADME experiment - Danilo Domenici (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT)) Dr Paola Gianotti (INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))   (Room 4)
12:30 Discretization and matrix analysis of the BFKL equation - Nauzet Bethencourt de León (Instituto de Física Teórica)   (Room 4)
13:00 A unique level scheme in 240Am K=0 and K=5 bands - Ms Devyani Solanki (Deshbandhu College , University of Delhi)   (Room 4)
B Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena (until 13:30) (Room 1)
11:00 Triple nuclear collisions and new perspectives to explore the QCD matter properties under new extreme conditions - Kyrill Bugaev (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kiev, Ukraine) Oleksandr Vitiuk (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv)   (Room 1)
11:30 An overview of recent STAR jet measurements and futurity - NIHAR RANJAN SAHOO (Shandong University)   (Room 1)
12:00 Quarkonium production in p+p collisions at RHIC and LHC - Dr Leszek Kosarzewski (Czech Technical University in Prague)   (Room 1)
12:30 Study of freeze-out, directed flow and vorticity in heavy-ion collisions at NICA energies - Larisa Bravina   (Room 1)
13:00 Differential measurements of jet sub-structure observables and their correlation in p+p collisions at √s=200 GeV in STAR - Monika Robotková   (Room 1)
Mini Workshop on Instruments and Methods in HEP (until 13:30) (Room 2)
11:00 Studies on environment-friendly gas mixtures for the Resistive Plate Chambers of the ALICE Muon Identifier - Livia Terlizzi (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   (Room 2)
11:25 Upgrade of the scintillator detector for particle tracking in experiments with antiprotons - Valerio Mascagna (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT)) Giulia Gosta (Universita di Brescia (IT))   (Room 2)
11:50 Commissioning of the BIS78 pilot project of the phase-1 upgrade of the ATLAS muon spectrometer - Meng-Ju Tsai (University of Michigan)   (Room 2)
12:15 Jet flavour tagging for the ATLAS Experiment - Alexander Khanov (Oklahoma State University (US))   (Room 2)
12:40 Development of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Readout Electronics for the HL-LHC - Mathieu Benoit (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))   (Room 2)
13:05 Small-strip Thin Gap Chambers (sTGC's) and the New Small Wheel Upgrade of ATLAS - Sonia Kabana (Instituto De Alta Investigacion Universidad de Tarapaca (CL))   (Room 2)
Mini Workshop on Instruments and Methods in HEP (until 12:00) (Room 3)
11:00 Construction and Tests of the CMS High Granularity Endcap Calorimeter for High Luminosity LHC - Somnath Choudhury (Indian Institute of Science (IN))   (Room 3)
B Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena (until 09:00) (Room 1)
A High Energy Particle Physics (until 10:30) (Room 1)
09:00 New results from the DANSS experiment - Nataliya Skrobova (LPI RAS)   (Room 1)
09:30 The Scattering and Neutrino Detector at the LHC - Antonia Di Crescenzo (Universita e sezione INFN di Napoli (IT))   (Room 1)
10:00 Vector-boson scattering, diboson and triboson production at ATLAS - Vallary Shashikant Bhopatkar (Argonne National Laboratory (US))   (Room 1)
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
Physics Education and Outreach (until 13:30) (Room 6 (Outreach))
11:00 CERN Masterclass in greek language - Despina Hatzifotiadou (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))   (Room 6 (Outreach))
Workshop on Physics of Exotic Nuclei (until 11:30) (Room 1)
11:00 DERICA PROJECT AND STRATEGIES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF LOW-ENERGY NUCLEAR PHYSICS - Prof. L. V. Grigorenko (Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, JINR)   (Room 1)
A High Energy Particle Physics (until 13:30) (Room 1)
11:30 ATLAS searches for supersymmetry with long-lived particles - Melissa Yexley (Lancaster University (GB))   (Room 1)
12:00 Future Physics Prospects with the CMS Detector at the High Luminosity LHC   (Room 1)
12:30 Searches for high-mass Higgs-like resonances with the ATLAS detector - Wanyun Su (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (CN))   (Room 1)
13:00 Search for exotic B meson decays at CMS - Hardik Routray (Rutgers State Univ. of New Jersey (US))   (Room 1)
13:30 --- Lunch ---
Lectures - Laszlo Csernai (University of Bergen) (until 16:00) (Room 1)
15:00 Opening of the conference - Sonia Kabana (Instituto De Alta Investigacion Universidad de Tarapaca (CL))   (Room 1)
15:15 Toward the end-to-end optimization of experimental design - Tommaso Dorigo (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))   (Room 1)
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
Lectures - Tommaso Dorigo (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT)) (until 19:30) (Room 1)
16:30 Highlights on the new exotics (pentaquarks, etc) - Liming Zhang (Tsinghua University (CHINA))   (Room 1)
17:15 From primordial black holes to primordial antistars - Alexander Dolgov (NSU)   (Room 1)
17:50 Cosmological expansion and dark side of the universe - Elena Arbuzova (Dubna State University and Novosibirsk State University)   (Room 1)
18:25 Machine Learning in High Energy Physics Introduction - Sebastian Olivares (Instituto De Alta Investigacion Universidad de Tarapaca (CL))   (Room 1)
19:00 Search for periodical variations of nucleus decay parameters - Prof. Sergey Mayburov (Lebedev institute of physics)   (Room 1)
19:30 --- Cultural event: Introduction to the History of OAC Chapel and Meaning of Blessing by Katerina Karkala (OAC), followed by a ceremony of Blessing, for interested people (Place: OAC Chapel). ---
20:00 --- Dinner ---
13:30 --- Lunch ---
16:30 --- Coffee break ---
A High Energy Particle Physics - Swagata Mukherjee (Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE)) (until 19:05) (Room 1)
17:00 Standard Model (CMS) - Patrick Connor (University Hamburg)   (Room 1)
17:25 Electroweak Physics at LHCb - Davide Zuliani (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))   (Room 1)
17:50 Searches for additional Higgs bosons in ATLAS - Hanfei Ye (Nanjing University (CN))   (Room 1)
18:15 Higgs boson measurements in its decays into bosons and in combined analyses with the ATLAS experiment - Benjamin Paul Jaeger (Simon Fraser University (CA))   (Room 1)
18:40 Higgs boson measurements in couplings to quarks and leptons with the ATLAS experiment - Zijun Xu (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))   (Room 1)
19:05 --- Concert of Classical Music per internet, Chamber music concert ---
20:00 --- Dinner ---
A High Energy Particle Physics (until 13:30) (Room 1)
12:30 Search for K+ decays to a lepton and invisible particles - Paolo Massarotti (Universita e sezione INFN di Napoli (IT))   (Room 1)
13:00 Rare four leptonic B_s meson decays in the Standard model - Anna Danilina (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" (ITEP) (RU))   (Room 1)
13:30 --- Lunch ---
16:30 --- Coffee break ---
A High Energy Particle Physics (until 19:00) (Room 5)
17:00 Study of light baryons - Chandni Menapara   (Room 5)
17:50 Non-local Potts model on random lattice and chromatic number of a plane - Aleksei Tanashkin (Far Eastern Federal University, Pacific Quantum Center)   (Room 5)
D Cosmology, Astrophysics, Gravity, Mathematical Physics - Mark Dayvon Goodsell (Univ. P. et Marie Curie Paris VI (FR)) (until 19:00) (Room 1)
17:00 Latest results from the DAMPE space mission - Andrea Parenti (GSSI and INFN-INGS)   (Room 1)
17:30 Overview of the HERD space mission - Dimitrios Kyratzis (Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) & INFN-LNGS)   (Room 1)
18:00 Magnetic Fields in early Universe - Prof. Stanislav Vilchinskii (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (UA))   (Room 1)
18:30 Double Monodromy Inflation: A Gravity Waves Factory for CMB-S4, LiteBIRD and LISA - Guido D'Amico (Universita degli Studi di Parma (IT))   (Room 1)
D Cosmology, Astrophysics, Gravity, Mathematical Physics - Sabir Ramazanov (CEICO, Institute of Physics (Prague)) (until 19:00) (Room 4)
17:30 Merger rates of black hole binaries in globular clusters - Konstantinos Kritos (National Technical University of Athens)   (Room 4)
18:00 Directional Dark Matter Search with NEWSdm - Antonia Di Crescenzo (Universita e sezione INFN di Napoli (IT))   (Room 4)
Mini-workshop on Machine Learning for Particle Physics (until 17:30) (Room 2)
17:00 Particle-based Fast Jet Simulation at the LHC with Variational Autoencoders - Mary Touranakou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR))   (Room 2)
Physics Education and Outreach - Marina Kozhevnikova (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia) (until 18:55) (Room 3)
17:00 Raising impact of particle Physics outreach events through gamification - Mr Andrea Di Luca (Universita degli Studi di Trento and INFN (IT))   (Room 3)
17:25 μNet Status Report - Mr Michael Petropoulos (mikepetrop@eap.gr)   (Room 3)
18:30 Diversity and Inclusion in CMS - Clemencia Mora Herrera (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR))   (Room 3)
Mini Workshop on Instruments and Methods in HEP - Santiago Rafael Paredes Saenz (Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE)) (until 19:00) (Room 2)
17:30 ATLAS LAr Calorimeter Commissioning for LHC Run-3 - Marc Bret Cano (The University of Iowa)   (Room 2)
17:55 Large Size Micromegas for the Upgrade of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer, ready for the installation of the New Small Wheel in 2021 - Giada Mancini (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))   (Room 2)
18:20 The causes and the effects of O2 contamination on the performance of a Micromegas detector - Deb Sankar Bhattacharya (Julius Max. Universitaet Wuerzburg (DE))   (Room 2)
19:00 --- Opera Gala, OAC ---
20:00 --- Dinner ---
A High Energy Particle Physics (until 13:30) (Room 1)
12:00 SUSY (CMS) - Koushik Mandal (Eotvos Lorand University (HU))   (Room 1)
12:30 Searches for Supersymmetry with the ATLAS detector - Daniela Katherinne Paredes Hernandez (University of Hong Kong (HK))   (Room 1)
13:00 ATLAS measurements of CP violation and rare decays processes with beauty mesons - Roger Jones (Lancaster University (GB))   (Room 1)
13:30 --- Lunch ---
16:30 --- Coffee break ---
A High Energy Particle Physics (until 19:05) (Room 1)
17:00 Dark Matter searches with the ATLAS Detector - Ava Anne Myers (University of Pittsburgh (US))   (Room 1)
17:25 Dark Matter (CMS) - Siqi Yuan (Boston University (US))   (Room 1)
17:50 Sgoldstino searches on FASER - Kalashnikov Dmitry   (Room 1)
18:15 Production of Four-Tops at the LHC - Mr Nicolas Stylianou (University of Bristol (GB))   (Room 1)
18:40 Machine Learning (CMS) - Savannah Jennifer Thais (Princeton University (US))   (Room 1)
A High Energy Particle Physics (until 19:00) (Room 3)
17:00 Development of ZnWO$_4$ crystal scintillators for rare events search - Fabio Cappella (INFN)   (Room 3)
18:00 Laboratory X-ray Astrophysics with PolarX-EBIT - Sonja Bernitt (Helmholtz-Institut Jena)   (Room 3)
D Cosmology, Astrophysics, Gravity, Mathematical Physics (until 19:00) (Room 4)
17:00 Stable vortices in Bose-Einstein condensate dark matter - Dr Alexander Yakimenko (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv)   (Room 4)
17:30 Constraints on dark matter from high-redshift observations - Anton Rudakovskyi   (Room 4)
18:00 Search for Galactic transient sources of ultra high energy cosmic rays - Vadym Voitsekhovskyi (Astronomical Observatory of Kyiv National University)   (Room 4)
18:30 Gamma-ray emission of flat-spectrum radio quasars in low states: the case of PKS 1510–089 - Mr Egor Podlesnyi (Lomonosov Moscow State University)   (Room 4)
Mini-workshop on Machine Learning for Particle Physics (until 19:00) (Room 2)
17:00 Calibration of the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter - Hang Qi (University of Science and Technology of China)   (Room 2)
17:30 Application of Deep Machine Learning for the PANDA Software Trigger - Peiyong Jiang (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)   (Room 2)
19:05 --- Lecture and workshop ''Play your voice'' (Kalliopi Petrou) ---
20:00 --- Dinner ---
13:30 --- Lunch ---
14:30 --- Coffee break ---
15:00 --- Excursion to Chania ---
19:00 --- Sacred Music Concert in OAC ---
13:30 --- Lunch ---
16:30 --- Coffee break ---
A High Energy Particle Physics (until 19:00) (Room 4)
17:00 Recent results from the STAR cold QCD program - Amilkar Quintero (Temple University)   (Room 4)
17:25 Quarkonium Spectroscopy of the Linear plus modified Yukawa potential - Ms Pooja Jakhad (Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat, India )   (Room 4)
17:50 FROM A BOUND DINEUTRON TO NEW FRONTIERS IN LOW ENERGY NUCLEAR PHYSICS - Prof. Ihor Kadenko (International Nuclear Safety Center of Ukraine, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, UKRAINE)   (Room 4)
18:15 Spin Density Matrix Elements in Exclusive Vector Meson Muoproduction at COMPASS - Andrzej Sandacz (National Centre for Nuclear Research (PL))   (Room 4)
A High Energy Particle Physics (until 19:00) (Room 1)
17:00 Search for Excited Leptons at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) - Dr Shalini Thakur   (Room 1)
17:30 New measurement of radiative decays at the NA62 Experiment at CERN - Gianluca Lamanna (Universita & INFN Pisa (IT)) Other Author   (Room 1)
18:00 ATLAS results on charmonium production, Bc production and decays, and exotic heavy hadrons - Ivan Yeletskikh (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))   (Room 1)
B Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena (until 19:00) (Room 3)
17:00 Scaling of kinematic and global observables, along with energy and entropy density in pp, pPb and PbPb collisions - Edgar Dominguez Rosas (Universidad Nacional Autonoma (MX))   (Room 3)
17:25 Multi-partonic medium induced cascades in expanding media - Mr Souvik Priyam Adhya (Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University)   (Room 3)
17:50 Correlations generated by global baryon number conservation - Michał Barej (AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow)   (Room 3)
18:15 Analytical solution of the generalized Boltzmann transport equation in the relaxation time approximation - Trambak Bhattacharyya   (Room 3)
18:40 Thermodynamic Behaviour of Time Dependent Magnetized Quark Gluon Plasma - Dr Yogesh Kumar (University of Delhi, India)   (Room 3)
Workshop on Laser Fusion, a spin-off from heavy-ion collisions (until 19:00) (Room 2)
17:00 Laser pulse compression down to few femtoseconds - Péter András Dombi (Wigner Research Centre for Physics)   (Room 2)
17:30 Laser-Particle collider for high-energy high-intensity physics studies - Stepan Bulanov (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)   (Room 2)
18:00 Nuclear Astrophysics with Lasers - Aldo Bonasera (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   (Room 2)
19:00 SRG Orbital Observatory: X-Ray map of the Universe with a million accreting supermassive black holes - Rashid Sunyaev   (Room 1)
19:45 Climate Crisis of the Planet and Good Environmental Practices for a Sustainable Future - Mr Antonis Kalogerakis (OAC)   (Room 1)
20:00 10th Anniversary   ()
20:20 --- Conference Dinner in OAC ---
13:30 --- Lunch ---
16:30 --- Coffee break ---
A High Energy Particle Physics (until 19:00) (Room 3)
17:00 Ground state mass of $\Xi_{bc}^0$ baryon in Regge phenomenology - Ms Juhi Oudichhya (Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat, India)   (Room 3)
17:30 Constraints on light scalars from PS191 results - Igor Krasnov (INR RAS)   (Room 3)
18:00 Updates on the design of the ENUBET monitored neutrino beam - Michelangelo Pari (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT))   (Room 3)
18:30 The 𝜑 meson production from small to large systems - Mr Iurii Mitrankov (Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU))   (Room 3)
B Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena (until 19:00) (Room 2)
17:00 Gamma Gamma pairs production from hot and dense quark gluon plasma - Dr Yogesh Kumar (Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi)   (Room 2)
17:30 New results from flow, chirality and vorticity at RHIC-STAR - Dr Chunjian Zhang (stony brook university)   (Room 2)
18:00 STAR results on strangeness and electric charge dependent splitting of the rapidity-odd directed flow - Ashik Ikbal Sheikh (Wigner Research Centre for Physics (Wigner RCP) (HU))   (Room 2)
18:30 Space-average electromagnetic fields and EM anomaly weighted by energy density in heavy-ion collisions - Irfan Siddique (USTC)   (Room 2)
Physics Education and Outreach (until 19:00) (Room 6 (Outreach))
17:00 Virtual visit to LHC experiments in english language - Despina Hatzifotiadou (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))   (Room 6 (Outreach))
Workshop on Lattice and Condensed Matter Physics (until 19:00) (Room 4)
17:00 Bulk effects in the Casimir interaction of Dirac materials - Dr Ignat Fialkovskiy (CMCC, UFABC)   (Room 4)
18:00 Chiral separation effect and Kondo effect in finite-density SU(2) gauge theory with dynamical fermions - Pavel Buividovich (University of Liverpool)   (Room 4)
18:30 Entropy wave instability in Dirac and Weyl semimetals - Pavlo Sukhachov   (Room 4)
Workshop on Physics at FAIR-NICA-SPS-BES/RHIC (until 19:00) (Room 1)
17:00 Feasibility studies of strangeness production in heavy-ion interactions at the BM@N experiment - Alexandre Zinchenko (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))   (Room 1)
17:30 The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) Experiment at FAIR - Kshitij Agarwal (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)   (Room 1)
18:00 Asymmetry energy and nuclear matter equation of state: High density perspectives at GSI/FAIR. - Dr Arnaud LeFevre (GSI)   (Room 1)
18:30 The heavy-ion program of the BM@N Experiment at NICA - Prof. Peter Senger (FAIR)   (Room 1)
Poster Session (until 20:00) (Room 1)
19:00 Compton Polarimetry on Rayleigh Scattering of Highly Linearly Polarized Hard X-rays - Wilko Middents (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)   (Room 1)
19:04 ATLAS searches for Higgs boson decays to BSM dark-Z bosons in four-lepton final States - Theodota Lagouri (Instituto De Alta Investigacion Universidad de Tarapaca (CL))   (Room 1)
19:08 Constraints on off-shell Higgs boson production and the Higgs boson total width in ZZ final states with the ATLAS detector - Theodota Lagouri (Instituto De Alta Investigacion Universidad de Tarapaca (CL))   (Room 1)
19:12 Quantum nonlocality, entanglement and biological correlations - Sergey Mayburov (Lebedev Institute of Physics)   (Room 1)
19:16 Monte Carlo simulations of Upsilon meson production - Jakub Ceska (Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Tec)   (Room 1)
19:20 Multi-charge Uranium Beam Dynamics in LINAC-100 Driver-Accelerator   (Room 1)
19:24 Overview on CW RFQ linac structure type - Mr Yurii Lozeev (National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”)   (Room 1)
19:28 X-ray Emission Study Performed for H-like Lead at CRYRING@ESR - Binghui Zhu (Helmholtz Institute Jena;Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena;Lanzhou University)   (Room 1)
19:32 HILITE - stored ions for non-linear laser-ion experiments - Dr Stefan Ringleb (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 07743 Jena Germany) Markus Kiffer (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 07743 Jena Germany)   (Room 1)
19:36 Center for Data and Computing in natural Science: A cross-disciplinary institute in Hamburg for Data Science - Patrick Connor (University Hamburg)   (Room 1)
19:40 A search for the low-lying SUSY spectrum at the LHC consistent with the recent muon g-2 result - Amin Abou Ibrahim (Institute for theoretical physics, Münster University)   (Room 1)
20:00 --- Dinner ---
Workshop on Lattice and Condensed Matter Physics (until 12:30) (Room 3)
12:00 Investigation of magnetic and electrical properties of Mn-Mg co doped NiFe2O4 prepared via hydrothermal process. - Dr Shalini Thakur   (Room 3)
13:30 --- Lunch ---
16:30 --- Coffee break ---
B Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena (until 19:00) (Room 3)
17:00 Quantum fluctuation of energy and its pseudo-gauge dependence in subsystems of hot relativistic gas - Arpan Das (Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences Krakow )   (Room 3)
17:30 Confinement/deconfinement transition in rotating gluodynamics within lattice simulation - Dr Artem Roenko (JINR)   (Room 3)
18:30 TBA   (Room 3)
Mini Workshop on Instruments and Methods in HEP (until 19:00) (Room 2)
17:00 Tracker Alignment (CMS) - Patrick Connor (University Hamburg)   (Room 2)
17:30 The present and future Inner Tracking System of the ALICE experiment - Nicole Apadula (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))   (Room 2)
18:00 A High-Granularity Timing Detector for the ATLAS Phase-II upgrade - Xiao Yang (University of Science and Technology of China (CN))   (Room 2)
Physics Education and Outreach (until 19:00) (Room 6 (Outreach))
17:00 Public talk in Spanish and Virtual tour LHC experiments in Spanish Language - Tonatiuh Garcia Chavez (Autonomous University of Puebla (MX)) Hector David Regules Medel (Autonomous University of Puebla (MX)) Despina Hatzifotiadou (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT)) Arturo Fernandez Tellez (Autonomous University of Puebla (MX))   (Room 6 (Outreach))
Workshop on Lattice and Condensed Matter Physics (until 19:00) (Room 4)
17:00 Graphene, analogue gravity and holography - Antonio Gallerati (Politecnico di Torino)   (Room 4)
17:30 Equilibrium Chiral Magnetic Effect: spatial inhomogeneity, finite temperature, interactions - Chitradip Banerjee (Ariel University)   (Room 4)
18:00 Determination of unknown band-head spin of 192Hg superdeformed Band - Dr Poonam Jain (Sri Aurobindo College, University of Delhi)   (Room 4)
18:30 Wigner - Weyl calculus in description of non - dissipative transport phenomena - Mikhail Zubkov (Ariel University, Israel and ITEP, Russia)   (Room 4)
Workshop on Physics of Exotic Nuclei (until 17:30) (Room 1)
17:00 Three-cluster model of $_{\Lambda}^{9}$Be hypernucleus - Yuliia Lashko (BITP)   (Room 1)
B Heavy Ion Collisions and Critical Phenomena (until 18:00) (Room 1)
17:30 Study of the central exclusive production of $\pi^+\pi^-$, $K^+K^-$ and $p \bar{p}$ pairs in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 510$ GeV with the STAR detector at RHIC - Tomáš Truhlář   (Room 1)
C Quantum Physics, Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (until 18:30) (Room 1)
18:00 New Frontier in Physics: Hunting the Pauli Exclusion Principle violation for electrons at the LNGS underground laboratory - Luca De Paolis (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   (Room 1)
19:00 --- Guided Visit to Museum of Monastery Gonia (TBC) ---
20:00 --- Dinner ---
13:30 --- Lunch ---
16:30 --- Coffee break ---
Interdisciplinary session (until 19:00) (Room 1)
17:00 The Mesurement Problem in the Statistical Signal Processing - Miloš Milovanović (mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and A)   (Room 1)
17:30 Instantons with Quantum Core - Prof. Alexander Sorin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))   (Room 1)
18:00 Status and prospects for sterile neutrino searches at very short base line reactor experiments. - Prof. Mikhail Danilov (Lebedev Physical Institute Moscow, National Nuclear University MEPhI)   (Room 1)
18:30 The NUSES space mission - Dr Margherita Di Santo (Gran Sasso Science Institute & INFN)   (Room 1)
19:00 Closing of the conference - Sonia Kabana (Instituto De Alta Investigacion Universidad de Tarapaca (CL)) Larisa Bravina   (Room 1)
20:00 --- Dinner ---
Physics Education and Outreach (until 19:30) (Room 6 (Outreach))
17:30 Public talk and Virtual visit to LHC experiments in greek language - Despina Hatzifotiadou (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))   (Room 6 (Outreach))
Interdisciplinary session (until 17:00) (Room 1)
16:00 Highlights from STAR Heavy Ion Program - Ahmed M. Hamed (American University in Cairo)   (Room 1)
16:30 Puzzling enhancement of soft photons: use and misuse of the Low theorem - Boris Kopeliovich (UTFSM)   (Room 1)
17:00 --- Break ---
Interdisciplinary session (until 18:25) (Room 2)
17:10 One-loop amplitudes in the worldline formalism. - Moctezuma Mata (UMSNH)   (Room 2)
17:35 Laser spectroscopy studies of long-lived pionic helium atoms - Masaki Hori (Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (DE))   (Room 2)
18:00 Model-independent Searches for New Physics in Multi-body Invariant Masses - Smita Darmora (Argonne National Laboratory (US))   (Room 2)
Interdisciplinary session (until 18:25) (Room 1)
17:10 Spectral Clustering for Jet Physics - Henry Day-Hall (University of Southampton)   (Room 1)
17:35 Collective flow in relativistic heavy ion collisions - Vipul Bairathi (Instituto de Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá)   (Room 1)
18:00 Generative modeling of helium fusion for nuclear astrophysics - Thomas Chen (Academy for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering)   (Room 1)
Poster Session (until 19:25) (Room 1)
18:25 Nuclear Effects In The Inclusive Production of Vectorial Mesons at Proton-Nucleus Collisions - Érison Rocha (UFRGS)   (Room 1)
18:30 Mass spectra and decay properties of $\Xi_{b}^{'-}$ baryon - Chandni Menapara   (Room 1)
18:35 Mass spectra of light-heavy tetraquarks - Juhi Oudichhya (Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat Guja)   (Room 1)
18:40 Towards sympathetic cooling of antiprotons through laser-cooling of trapped anionic molecules - Emanuel David Oswald (University of Innsbruck (AT))   (Room 1)
18:45 2 + 1 flavor quarks thermodynamics in a magnetic field model with chemical potential - Shougaijam Somorendro Singh (University of Delhi, Delhi, India) Ms ANJU DAHIYA (PhD Scholar)   (Room 1)
18:50 Estimation of unknown band-head spin of super-deformed band - KAISH MD (DESHBANDHU COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF DELHI)   (Room 1)
18:55 Energy spectrum of cosmic rays obtained at the “Hadron 55” installation located at an altitude of 3340 m. - B. Iskakov (Satbayev University)   (Room 1)
19:00 A search for long-lived dark photons produced from the decay of a Higgs boson or a heavy scalar boson in ATLAS - Sebastian Olivares (Instituto De Alta Investigacion Universidad de Tarapaca (CL))   (Room 1)
19:05 Water quality monitoring using high resolution microscopic images and machine learning - Renzo Valencia (Kitai)   (Room 1)
19:10 Thermal properties of the medium created in heavy ion collisions at 7.7, 11.5 and 14.5 GeV - Tanya Chhabra   (Room 1)
19:15 Thermal properties of the medium created in heavy ion collisions at 19.6, 27 and 39 GeV - Vipul Bairathi (Instituto de Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá)   (Room 1)
19:20 Thermal properties of the medium created in heavy ion collisions at 62.4, 130 and 200 GeV - Sonia Kabana (Instituto De Alta Investigacion Universidad de Tarapaca (CL))   (Room 1)