The decay K+→π+ νν ̅ , with a very precisely predicted branching ratio of less than 10-10, is among
the best processes to reveal indirect effects of new physics.
The NA62 experiment at CERN SPS is designed to study the K+→π+ νν ̅ decay and to measure its
branching ratio using a decay-in-flight technique. NA62 took data in 2016, 2017 and 2018, reaching
the sensitivity of the Standard Model for the K+→π+ νν ̅ decay by the analysis of the 2016 and
2017 data, and providing the most precise measurement of the branching ratio to date by the
analysis of the 2018 data. This measurement is also used to set limits on BR(K+→π+X), where X is
a scalar or pseudo-scalar particle.
The final result of the K+→π+ νν ̅ branching ratio measurement and its interpretation in terms of
K+→π+ X decay from the analysis of the full 2016-2017-2018 data set is presented, and future plans and prospects reviewed.
Is this abstract from experiment? | Yes |
Name of experiment and experimental site | NA62 Experiment at CERN, https://na62.web.cern.ch/ |
Is the speaker for that presentation defined? | No |
Internet talk | Maybe |