23 August 2021 to 7 October 2021
Venue: OAC conference center, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece. Participation is possible also via internet.
Europe/Athens timezone

Mass spectra and decay properties of $\Xi_{b}^{'-}$ baryon

7 Oct 2021, 18:30
Room 1

Room 1

Poster presentation Poster Session


Chandni Menapara


Mass spectrum, magnetic moment and decay properties of singly heavy strange bottom baryon ($\Xi_{b}^{'-}$) have been studied in this article. Hypercentral quark constituent model (hCQM), a non-relativistic approach, has been utilised to predict the masses of radial and orbital excited states of $\Xi_{b}^{'-}$ baryon, employing color Coulomb plus screened potential as confining potential to describe constituent quark interaction. The $\Xi_{b}^{'-}$ baryon contains two light quarks ($\textit{d}$ and $\textit{s}$) and one heavy quark ($\textit{b}$). The magnetic moment of $\Xi_{b}^{'-}$ baryon is calculated by sandwiching the spin-flavour wave function operating by magnetic moment operator and decay properties are calculated in Heavy Hadron Chiral Perturbation Theory (HHChPT).


Ms. Chandni Menapara, PhD Student
Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat-395007, Gujarat, India

Is this abstract from experiment? No
Name of experiment and experimental site NA
Is the speaker for that presentation defined? Yes
Internet talk Yes


Ms Amee Kakadiya (Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat, India) Chandni Menapara Ajay Kumar Rai (Sardar vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology-Surat)

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