August 23, 2021 to October 7, 2021
Venue: OAC conference center, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece. Participation is possible also via internet.
Europe/Athens timezone

Reconstruction of the transverse momentum of a dark matter mediator using a neural network in regression mode

Aug 25, 2021, 11:30 AM
Room 2

Room 2


Mr Rubén López Ruiz (University of Cantabria)


Many searches at the LHC experiments target topologies with three or more invisible particles in the final state. The reconstruction of the full event kinematics is in general not possible even using the information provided by the missing transverse momentum or by the constraints based on the presence of known-mass resonances in the decay chain process. On the other hand, the space of momentum solutions for the invisible particles is frequently small enough to allow their inference through the momentum correlations of the visible particles. This work proposes an example in which a dark matter mediator is produced in association with one or two top quarks decaying semi-leptonically and yielding two neutrinos plus the mediator in the final state. A neural network has been trained in regression mode to predict the transverse momentum of the dark matter mediator, achieving a resolution of about 30%. These ideas could be exploited at the LHC experiments to characterize and discriminate possible signal events from standard model backgrounds.


Mr. Rubén López Ruiz
University of Cantabria

Is this abstract from experiment? No
Name of experiment and experimental site N/A
Is the speaker for that presentation defined? Yes
Internet talk Yes


Francisco Matorras (Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria, Santander, IFCA (ES)) Pablo Martinez Ruiz Del Arbol (Universidad de Cantabria and CSIC (ES)) Mr Rubén López Ruiz (University of Cantabria)

Presentation materials