The spectral shape of forbidden beta-decays is a crucial benchmark for nuclear physics calculations and has important implications also for astroparticle physics experiments.
In the list of interesting isotopes to be measured, Indium-115 is one of the most suitable due to the relatively high Q-value (497.954 keV) and half-life (4.41 $\times$ 10$^{14}$ yr).
We propose to exploit a cryogenic calorimeter based on indium oxide crystal to perform a high-precision measurement of the decay energy spectrum. Such a detector is the first step for building an Array of Cryogenic Calorimeter to Evaluate Spectral Shapes (ACCESS).
In this contribution, we present the project outline and the results obtained with a preliminary test.
Emanuela Celi, Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy, https://www.gssi.it/
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