Patrick Connor
(University Hamburg)
The CDCS is an interdisciplinary cooperation among the German Electron Synchrotron DESY, Universität Hamburg, and the Hamburg University of Technology. In the newly emerging Science City Bahrenfeld (SCB), it combines scientific research with state-of-the-art information technology.
The CDCS initially consists of four application-focused, cross-disciplinary laboratories (CDLs), which are supported by a Computational Core Unit (CCU). The CDLs focus on the following areas:
- Computational Astro and Particle Physics
- Computational Photon Science
- Computational Systems Biology
- Computational Controls of Accelerators.
In this poster, we present various ongoing projects and prospects for the coming years.

Patrick L.S. Connor
Universität Hamburg
Is this abstract from experiment? | No |
Name of experiment and experimental site | N/A |
Is the speaker for that presentation defined? | Yes |
Internet talk | No |
Primary author
Patrick Connor
(University Hamburg)