23 August 2021 to 7 October 2021
Venue: OAC conference center, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece. Participation is possible also via internet.
Europe/Athens timezone

Energy spectrum of cosmic rays obtained at the “Hadron 55” installation located at an altitude of 3340 m.

7 Oct 2021, 18:55
Room 1

Room 1

Poster presentation Poster Session


B. Iskakov (Satbayev University)


The complex installation "Hadron-55" is one of the installations of the Tien-Shan high-mountain scientific station. The installation consists of two blocks spaced 2.2 meters apart. Upper unit - gamma block comprises two rows of ionization chambers arranged in mutually perpendicular directions. This block is used in determining the energy of electron-photon component and in conjunction with all detectors determines the trajectories of particles. At the level of the gamma block, scintillation detectors are installed on an area of 350 m2. The lower unit consists of six rows of ionization chambers containing iron absorber. This unit is used to measure the energy of the neutral and charged components of cosmic radiation, as well as to determine the trajectory of particles. In this work, a brief description of the installation and calculation of the energy spectrum of cosmic rays, obtained by experimental data installation. In addition, the daily variation of cosmic ray energy is processed, which is planned to be used in the future for a new experiment on monitoring seismically dangerous zones.


Iskakov B.A.

Is this abstract from experiment? Yes
Name of experiment and experimental site Hadron 55
Is the speaker for that presentation defined? Yes
Internet talk Yes


B. Iskakov (Satbayev University)


Mrs A. Argynova Mr A. Beisenova Mr D. Besnosko Mrs O. Novolodskaya T. Idrisova Mr T. Sadykov Mr V. Piscal Mr V. Zhukov Mrs Y. Tautayev Mr Zh. Sadykov

Presentation materials