Quarkonium states are good probes allowing to study the properties of quark-gluon plasma created in heavy ion-collisions. However, the production mechanism in p+p collisions is still an open question. It is often assumed that it factorizes into the hard scattering and non-perturbative hadronization. The basic quarkonium production models like Color Singlet, Color Octet and Color Evaporation Model can reasonably well describe different aspects of quarkonium production. A new observables, which include associated production or quarkonium production in jets may provide a more detailed insight into this topic. Furthermore, studies of quarkonium production vs. charged particle multiplicity allow to study an interplay between hard and soft QCD processes. Overall, measurements of quarkonium production in p+p collisions provide tests of QCD.
In this presentation, an overview of experimental results of quarkonium production in p+p collisions at RHIC and LHC will be presented along with current production models.
Leszek Kosarzewski, Dr, FNSPE Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
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Name of experiment and experimental site | N/A |
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Internet talk | No |