We investigate properties of bound and resonance states in the $_{\Lambda}^{9}$Be nucleus. To reveal the nature of these states, we use a three-cluster $2\alpha+\Lambda$ microscopic model. The model treats correctly the Pauli principle and accounts for polarization of two-cluster subsystems of the hypernucleus when the third cluster is close. The model incorporates Gaussian and oscillator basis functions and reduces a three-cluster Schr\"{o}dinger equation to a two-body like many-channel problem with the two-cluster subsystems ($_{\Lambda}^{5}$He and $^8$Be) being in a bound or a pseudo-bound state. Influence of the cluster polarization on the energy and widths of resonance states in $_{\Lambda}^{9}$Be and on elastic and inelastic $_{\Lambda}^{5}$He+$\alpha$ scattering is analysed.
Dr. Yuliia Lashko, Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyiv, Ukraine. http://www.bitp.kiev.ua/
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