We introduce sequential analysis in quantum information processing, by focusing on the fundamental task of quantum hypothesis testing. In particular, our goal is to discriminate between two arbitrary quantum states with a prescribed error threshold ε when copies of the states can be required on demand. We obtain ultimate lower bounds on the average number of copies needed to accomplish the...
The work is dedicated to the experimental study of Compton scattering of entangled and decoherent annihilation gammas. The pairs of entangled annihilation photons are produced in electron-positron annihilation. The polarization state of each gamma in such a pair is indefinite. However, the relative polarizations of the photons are orthogonal. After interacting with matter, the initially...
We investigate the spatial correlations between quantum fields in two regions of space separated by a movable reflecting wall. Our system consists of two cavities separated by a movable reflecting mirror, that is bound to its average position by a harmonic potential. The two semi-spaces are occupied by a quantum massless scalar field, and the mirror acts as a moving boundary condition for the...
The two-atom interferometer introduces two different yet indistinguishable alternatives for randomly paired atoms to create a joint atom-detection event. The superposition of two-atom amplitudes yields two-atom interference with peculiar features which outshine the classic atom interferometer: (1) two-atom interference is still observable when the time delay of the interferometer is greater...
The VIP-2 experiment at the Underground Gran Sasso Laboratory (LNGS) aims to perform high sensitivity tests of the Pauli Exclusion Principle (PEP) for electrons, and search for a possible small violation. The PEP violation would be a clear indication of physics beyond the Standard Model, thus opening new frontiers in physics.
The VIP-2 collaboration performs tests of PEP violation in various...