23–27 Apr 2023
JMS Aster Plaza
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Simulation studies and R&D status and plans in Japan for the EIC ePIC Barrel TOF with AC-LGAD

25 Apr 2023, 16:20
Multi-Purpose Studio, 2nd Floor (JMS Aster Plaza)

Multi-Purpose Studio, 2nd Floor

JMS Aster Plaza

Poster Experimental techniques and future programs Poster Session


Kanato Matsutani (Hiroshima University) Wataru Yamauchi (Hiroshima University)


EIC stands for Electron-Ion Collider, a circular accelerator to be constructed at BNL, which is expected to discover new physics, such as those related to gluon condensation, by colliding electrons and nuclei.
In Japan, the EIC Japan group has been established and is active.
The Japan group has decided to proceed with the development of barrel TOF and is planning to use AC-LGAD in its detector.
AC-LGAD is a silicon sensor with high position and time resolution, and it could fully meet the performance requirements of the detector described in the Yellow Report. This is being developed by BNL and KEK (in collaboration with HPK) for use at the HL-LHC.
Currently, while discussing the plan, AC-LGAD simulations are also being conducted. Specific progress is being made in studying the barrel TOF performance of the barrel and endcap in e-p collisions. The results show that a segment size of a few cm2 is sufficient for barrel TOF.
In addition, there are plans to build a new test bench in Japan. Hiroshima University is planning to install a new PMT, oscilloscopes, and other equipment to create an experimental environment.
This poster will present the results of these ongoing activities, specifically the Barrel TOF (AC-LGAD) simulations and the construction of the test bench.
Future plans include not only evaluating the performance of the detector (AC-LGAD) but also testing its radiation resistance.

Theory / experiment Experiment
Group or collaboration name the EIC Japan Group


Kanato Matsutani (Hiroshima University) Wataru Yamauchi (Hiroshima University)


Yasuyuki Akiba Yuji Goto (RIKEN (JP)) Takashi Hachiya Dr itaru nakagawa Kenta Shigaki (Hiroshima University (JP)) Satoshi Yano (Hiroshima University (JP))

Presentation materials