We investigate the flavor dependent jet quenching, by performing a systematic analysis of medium modifications of the inclusive jet, $\gamma$-jet, and $b$-jet in Pb+Pb collisions relative to those in pp at the LHC. Our results from MadGraph+PYTHIA and LBT well describe the experimental data of the inclusive jet, $\gamma$-jet and $b$-jet both in pp and AA collisions simultaneously. We then use a Bayesian data-driven method to extract systematically the flavor-dependent jet energy loss distributions from experimental data in a model-independent way, where the gluon, light quark and $b$-quark initialed energy loss distributions are well constrained for the first time. We find that the quark jet energy loss distribution shows weaker centrality and $p_T$ dependence than the gluon initiated one. We demonstrate the relative contributions from the slope of initial spectra, color-charge and parton mass dependent jet energy attenuation to the $\gamma/b$-jet suppression in heavy-ion collisions.
Theory / experiment | Theory |