The global spin polarization of Lambda hyperon in heavy ion collisions has been well described by spin-vorticity coupling, serving as an evidence for creation of rapid spinning quark-gluon plasma. However the same picture fails to explain the measurement of local spin polarization. It has been realized recently that shear stress also couples to spin polarization, and phenomenologial studies point to the same trend as the experimental result. We point out the present theoretical input in phenomenological studies is incomplete for ignoring the collisional effect, which is crucial for distinguishing spin-shear coupling and spin-vorticity coupling. We present a more complete result based on quantum kinetic theory [1], indicating enhancement of spin-shear coupling [2,3].
[1]Shu Lin, Phys.Rev.D 105 (2022) 7, 076017
[2]Shu Lin and Ziyue Wang, JHEP 12 (2022) 030
[3]Shu Lin and Ziyue Wang, to appear
Theory / experiment | Theory |