17–21 Jul 2023
University of Southampton Highfield Campus
Europe/London timezone

Modular flavor symmetry to the flavor structure of SM

17 Jul 2023, 09:40


Plenary talks (by invitation only) Plenary Plenary Session


Gui-Jun Ding (ustc) Gui-Jun Ding (ustc)


It is known that there is huge hierarchy among the masses of quarks and leptons, and the lepton mixing is drastically different from quark mixing. The origin of fermion masses and flavor mixing is a longstanding puzzle of SM. Modular symmetry is a promising approach to address the flavor puzzle. This approach can overcome the drawbacks of traditional flavor symmetry, and it allows to explain the observed fermion masses and mixing parameters with a small number of free parameters. In this talk, I shall present some developments of the modular flavor symmetry, the possible connection to the top-down approach will be mentioned.

Primary authors

Dr Cai-Chang Li (School of Physics, Northwest University) Ferruccio Feruglio Gui-Jun Ding (ustc) Gui-Jun Ding (ustc) Jun-Nan Lu Stephen Frederick King (University of Southampton (GB)) Dr Xiang-Gan Liu (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California)

Presentation materials