27 August 2023 to 10 September 2023
University of Sao Paulo, USP, Brazil
America/Sao_Paulo timezone
8 Sept 2023, 11:00


Abstract: The quantum internet is emerging as an extension of the protocols for quantum communication, incorporating local processing of information together with distribution of quantum entanglement among multiple sites. Even though quantum communication initially developed with a focus on local networks, in the last years large steps were given in the distribution of quantum entanglement through satellites, establishing the first quantum networks of truly global reach. Behind this trajectory of technological development, there has also been conceptual developments in the last decades about the ubiquitous nature of quantum entanglement and its presence in various natural phenomena routinely occurring around us. Here I will discuss this arch of ideas that goes from the observation of quantum entanglement in ever simpler phenomena, up to its control and application in quantum communication of growing distance and complexity. I will focus on the work of our group and in the recent perspectives of integrating this work in the global effort to develop technologies for a quantum internet

Lecturer: Daniel Felinto obtained his bachelor, master and doctorate degrees in Physics in the Physics Department of UFPE, with post-doctoral stages at USP and Caltech. His research is focused on applications of optics and atomic physics to quantum information, using techniques for cold atoms, ultrafast control, and quantum optics. He has been working in the field of quantum networks since 2004 and presently coordinates the Quantum Networks Laboratory at UFPE (Text informed by the Lecturer).


Prof. Daniel Felinto (Federal University of Pernambuco, UFPE, Brazil)

Presentation materials