Jul 17 – 28, 2023
Wuppertal, Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone

Welcome to the EURIZON detector school 2023!


Venue: the University of Wuppertal, Germany

The school for young scientists on particle detector technologies, initially planned to take place in Kutaisi, Georgia, will take place at the University of Wuppertal, Germany, on July 17-28, 2023. The school is organized in the framework of the EURIZON project supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The working language of the school is English.

The deadline for student applications (April 11th) has passed.


About the European network for developing new horizons
for research infrastructures EURIZON:

International organizing committee

Lucie Linssen, Eva Sicking (CERN); Simon Spannagel (DESY); Francesco Piscitelli (ESS); Jürgen Eschke, Irakli Keshelashvili, Christian J. Schmidt (GSI); Marcello Abbrescia, Nicola De Filippis (INFN-Bari), Gianluigi Cibinetto (INFN-Ferrara), Gianni Bencivenni (INFN-Frascati), Margherita Primavera (INFN-Lecce); Michael Düren, Marc Strickert (JLU Giessen); Mustafa Schmidt, Christian Zeitnitz (Univ. Wuppertal).

Local organizing committee

Mustafa Schmidt, Christian Zeitnitz, Wolfgang Wagner, Christian Pauly, Katerina Lipka (DESY/Wuppertal), Tobias Flick, Daniela Schulz.

Data privacy statement.

Wuppertal, Germany
F.10.01 (Hörsaal 4)

The Detector School is organized for training young scientists on state-of-the-art particle detection technologies in the fields of particle-, heavy-ion- and neutron-physics.

The main program of the school comprises morning lectures by world experts in their fields, and hands-on exercises on various technologies in the afternoons. Social activities are organised during evenings and on the weekend.

List of lecture topics:

  • Calorimetry
  • Characterization of detectors
  • Communication in science, presentation skills
  • Evolution on working detector systems from R&D to construction, operation and performance
  • Gaseous detectors
  • Neutron detectors
  • Non-collider detectors
  • Particle identification
  • Photodetection
  • Quantum sensing
  • Readout- FPGA- trigger- DAQ- synchronisation
  • Silicon detectors
  • Sustainability of research facilities
  • Tracking

The school will include also elective practical courses that will allow the school attendees to put their hands on various detectors and test them under the supervision of experts. Preliminary exercise list:

  • Cosmo boxes
  • Do-It-Yourself particle detector
  • Drift Tubes characterization
  • Geant4 simulation software
  • Landau distribution with SiStrip
  • Monte-Carlo Resolution with SiPixel
  • Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detector lab
  • ROOT analysis software
  • SiPixel characterization
  • SiPM characterization
  • Testbeam data analysis with SiPixel

Students will be given opportunity to present their work. This activity will connect closely with the science communication tutorial.