17–28 Jul 2023
Wuppertal, Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone


Making engaging scientific presentations

24 Jul 2023, 14:00
G.11.24 (Wuppertal, Germany)


Wuppertal, Germany


Making engaging scientific presentations: Student presentation session

  • Lucie Linssen (CERN)
  • David Barney (CERN)

Making engaging scientific presentations: Classroom session

  • David Barney (CERN)

Making engaging scientific presentations: Classroom session

  • David Barney (CERN)

Making engaging scientific presentations: Classroom session

  • David Barney (CERN)

Presentation materials

Oliwia Agnieszka Kaluzinska (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
27/07/2023, 14:00
Fabian Hummer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
27/07/2023, 14:08
Mr Luca Ghislotti (University of Bergamo)
27/07/2023, 14:16
Sebastian Ritter (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)
27/07/2023, 14:40
Daniel Prelipcean (Technische Universitat Munchen (DE))
27/07/2023, 15:16
Matei Climescu (Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz (DE))
27/07/2023, 15:32
Melike Konerding
27/07/2023, 15:40
Lea Marie Sophie Dreyfus (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))
27/07/2023, 15:48
Building timetable...