2nd EMI All Hands Meeting
Fysicum, Lund University
Fysicum, Lund University
Professorsgatan 1
Lund, Sweden
Adrian Taga
Alberto Di Meglio
Alberto Aimar
Aleksandr Konstantinov
Alessio Gianelle
Aleš Křenek
Alvise Dorigo
Anders Wäänänen
Andrea Caltroni
Andrea Ceccanti
Andres Abad Rodriguez
Andres Aeschlimann
Aristotelis Kretsis
Balazs Konya
Björn Hagemeier
Christian Bernardt
Christian Loeschen
Christoph Witzig
Claudio Cacciari
Cristina del Cano Novales
Daniel Kouřil
Daniel Mallmann
Danilo Dongiovanni
David Foster
David Cameron
David Groep
Doina Cristina Aiftimiei
Eamonn Kenny
Elisa Heymann
Emidio Maria Giorgio
Emir Imamagic
Enol Fernández
Eric YEN
Eva Cernakova
Fabio Capannini
Farid Ould-Saada
Florida Estrella
Florido Paganelli
Francesco Giacomini
František Dvořák
Gabor Szigeti
Geunchul Park
Giuseppe Fiameni
Giuseppina Salente
Henri Mikkonen
Ivan Marton
Jedrzej Rybicki
Jiří Sitera
John Gordon
Jon Kerr Nilsen
Jozef Cernak
Joël Casutt
Karsten Schwank
Kathryn Cassidy
Krzysztof Benedyczak
Laurence Field
Lorenzo Dini
Ludek Matyska
Marcelina Borcz
Maria Alandes Pradillo
Martin Skou Andersen
Massimo Paladin
Massimo Sgaravatto
Mathilde Romberg
Mattias Ellert
Michail Salichos
Michal Voců
Michel Drescher
Michele Dibenedetto
Mischa Sallé
Oliver Keeble
Oscar Koeroo
Oxana Smirnova
Paolo Andreetto
Patrick Fuhrmann
Paul Millar
Peter Stefan
Piotr Bała
Samir Boutaleb
Shahbaz Memon
Shiraz Memon
Simon C LIN
Soonwook Hwang
Steven Newhouse
Taesang Huh
Tigran Mkrtchyan
Tomasz Wolak
Valery Tschopp
Vitor Gouveia
Zdeněk Šustr
Zsombor Nagy
8:30 AM
10:30 AM
Compute Area Session Hall B (120)
Hall B (120)
Fysicum, Lund University
Professorsgatan 1 Lund, Sweden- 8:30 AM
8:40 AM
Roadmap for client harmonization and analysis of any possible obstacles 20mSpeaker: Bjoern Hagemeier (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
9:00 AM
A short overview of the UNICORE architecture as by DNA1.3.2 5mSpeaker: Bjoern Hagemeier (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
- 9:05 AM
9:15 AM
Status and progress of (gLite) MPI-* for Y2 15mSpeaker: Enol Fernández (IFCA)
- 9:30 AM
8:30 AM
10:30 AM
Infrastructure Area Session H530 (24)
H530 (24)
Fysicum, Lund University
Professorsgatan 1 Lund, Sweden- 8:30 AM
- 9:00 AM
- 9:30 AM
10:00 AM
Discussion 30m
8:30 AM
10:30 AM
Security Area Session H422 (20)
H422 (20)
Fysicum, Lund University
Professorsgatan 1 Lund, Sweden-
8:30 AM
Welcome/Introduction 10m
8:40 AM
Security PT Year 2 priorities 1h 20mSpeaker: Aleksandr Konstantinov (CERN)
- 10:00 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
10:50 AM
Data Area Session H322 (40)
H322 (40)
Fysicum, Lund University
Professorsgatan 1 Lund, Sweden-
8:30 AM
Getting together 1h
- 9:30 AM
9:50 AM
UNICORE Grid Integration (LFC,SRM,AMGA) 15mSpeakers: Christian Loeschen (Technische Universitaet Dresden), Ralph Müller-Pfefferkorn
10:05 AM
Storage Accounting Record StAR 15mSpeaker: Jon Kerr Nilsen (University of Oslo-Unknown-Unknown)
10:20 AM
EMI Data library consolidations 20mSpeaker: Jon Kerr Nilsen (University of Oslo-Unknown-Unknown)
10:40 AM
pNFS in dCache 10mSpeakers: Dr Patrick Fuhrmann (DESY), Mr Tigran Mkrtchyan Mkrtchyan (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
8:30 AM
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
Coffee Break 30m
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
Compute Area Session
11:00 AM
GSS and CGSI plugins 20mSpeaker: Daniel Kouril (Unknown)
- 11:20 AM
- 11:40 AM
- 12:00 PM
11:00 AM
- 11:00 AM → 1:00 PM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
Security Area Session
- 11:00 AM
- 11:30 AM
- 12:00 PM
- 12:30 PM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
Data Area Session
11:00 AM
SRM over SSL/X509 including identity delegation news 20mSpeaker: Dr Paul Millar (DESY/dCache.org)
- 11:20 AM
- 11:45 AM
- 12:05 PM
- 12:25 PM
- 12:40 PM
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
Lunch Break 1h Finn Inn (http://www.finninn.com) / Ideon (http://www.restaurant.ideon.se/)
Finn Inn (http://www.finninn.com) / Ideon (http://www.restaurant.ideon.se/)
2:00 PM
4:00 PM
Plenary: EMI 1 Kebnekaise Report + Year 1 WP Reports Hall B
Hall B
Fysicum, Lund University
- 2:00 PM
- 2:10 PM
- 2:40 PM
3:20 PM
SA2 year 1 report 40mSpeaker: Alberto Aimar (CERN)
4:00 PM
4:30 PM
Coffee Break 30m
4:30 PM
6:00 PM
Plenary: Year 1 WP Reports Hall B
Hall B
Fysicum, Lund University
- 4:30 PM
5:10 PM
SA1 year 1 report 40mSpeakers: Doina Cristina Aiftimiei (Unknown-Unknown-Unknown), Francesco Giacomini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
6:00 PM
8:00 PM
Football Pitch at Smörlyckan (see the map in lunch guide)
Pitch at Smörlyckan (see the map in lunch guide)
8:30 AM
10:30 AM
8:30 AM
10:35 AM
Plenary: Cross Area / Cross Activity Hall B
Hall B
Fysicum, Lund University
- 8:30 AM
- 8:55 AM
9:20 AM
Virtualisation and Clouds Strategy 25mSpeakers: Eric Yen (Academia Sinica), Ivan Marton (CERN), Mohammad Shahbaz Memon (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH (KFA))
- 9:45 AM
- 10:10 AM
10:35 AM
11:00 AM
Coffee Break 25m
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
Plenary: Cross Area / Cross Activity Hall B
Hall B
Fysicum, Lund University
11:00 AM
QA in year 2 25mSpeaker: Alberto Aimar (CERN)
- 11:25 AM
- 11:45 AM
12:10 PM
EMI 1 Kebnekaise maintenance 25mSpeaker: Doina Cristina Aiftimiei (INFN)
12:35 PM
Road to EMI 2 Matterhorn 25mSpeakers: Dr Balazs Konya (CERN), Doina Cristina Aiftimiei (INFN)
11:00 AM
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
Lunch Break 1h Ideon (http://www.restaurant.ideon.se) / Pastellen (http://gastrogate.com/restaurang/pastellen)
Ideon (http://www.restaurant.ideon.se) / Pastellen (http://gastrogate.com/restaurang/pastellen)
2:00 PM
4:00 PM
NA2 Meeting H530
Fysicum, Lund University
Professorsgatan 1 Lund, Sweden- 2:00 PM
- 2:30 PM
- 3:00 PM
- 3:20 PM
2:00 PM
4:30 PM
Nagios Probes Task Force Meeting Hall B (120)
Hall B (120)
Fysicum, Lund University
Professorsgatan 1 Lund, Sweden-
2:00 PM
SAM framework and Nagios Probes 1hService Availability Monitoring (SAM) is distributed monitoring framework used to monitor availability and reliability of EGI resources within the production infrastructure. SAM consists of following components: Nagios system for executing probes, databases containing topology of grid and monitoring results, message broker network for communication and MyEGI web interface. SAM does not maintain the actual probes used for checking the status of grid services. Set of probes currently integrated into SAM consists of following probes: - probes developed during the EGEE for the previous instance of SAM system (e.g. CE, SRM, WN tests) - probes contributed by sites (e.g. SRCE, CERN) - probes maintained by EMI product teams (BDII, ARC) - native Nagios probes (e.g. TCP checks, FTP checks). The session will consist of brief update of status of SAM framework, status of currently integrated probes and general Nagios probes development guidelines. Furthermore, existing probes will be described in details in order to ease handover to EMI product teams.Speaker: Emir Imamagic (SRCE)
3:00 PM
Nagios Probes for BDII 15mSpeaker: Mr Laurence Field (CERN)
3:15 PM
Nagios Probes for ARC 15mSpeaker: Mattias Ellert (CERN)
3:30 PM
Nagios Probes for UNICORE 15mSpeaker: Krzysztof Benedyczak (CERN)
3:45 PM
Discussion 45m
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
4:30 PM
SA2 Meeting: QA tools, testbeds, metrics, policies, reviews H322 (40)
H322 (40)
Fysicum, Lund University
Professorsgatan 1 Lund, Sweden- Metrics Discussion and Prioritization 1h
- Platforms, Debian repositories, tools, etc 30'
- Testbeds discussion 30'
- 2:00 PM
- 3:00 PM
- 3:30 PM
2:00 PM
6:00 PM
Virtualization and Cloud Task Force Meeting H422 (20)
H422 (20)
Fysicum, Lund University
Professorsgatan 1 Lund, Sweden-
2:00 PM
Overview of EGI Virtualization Workshop 20mSpeakers: Mr Eric Yen (Academia Sinica Grid Computing), Simon Lin (Unknown)
- 2:20 PM
2:40 PM
Lessons learned from the ASGC-Cloud deployments 20mSpeaker: Mr Eric Yen (Academia Sinica Grid Computing)
3:00 PM
Coffee Break 15m
- 3:15 PM
3:35 PM
Strategy Document Discussion 1h 25mSpeakers: Mr Eric Yen (Academia Sinica Grid Computing), Mohammad Shahbaz Memon (KFA)
2:00 PM
4:30 PM
4:45 PM
Coffee Break 15m
4:30 PM
6:00 PM
NA2: Exploitation and Sustainability H530 (24)
H530 (24)
Fysicum, Lund University
Professorsgatan 1 Lund, SwedenAgenda:
* Evaluating the lessons learned from Y1.
* Surveying the action/task items for Y2. Set milestones. -
4:30 PM
6:00 PM
Reserved by PO
- 6:00 PM → 8:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:45 PM
Laser show 45m Hall A
Hall A
Fysicum, Lund University
8:00 PM
10:00 PM
Swedish smorgasbord dinner 2h Finn Inn, http://www.finninn.com/
Finn Inn, http://www.finninn.com/
8:30 AM
10:35 AM
8:30 AM
10:00 AM
Plenary: Technical Area Summaries Hall B
Hall B
Fysicum, Lund University
- 8:30 AM
- 8:50 AM
- 9:10 AM
- 9:30 AM
10:00 AM
10:20 AM
Coffee Break 20m
10:20 AM
12:00 PM
Plenary: Year 2 WP Reports Hall B
Hall B
Fysicum, Lund University
- 10:20 AM
- 10:45 AM
- 11:10 AM
- 11:35 AM
- 12:00 PM → 1:00 PM
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
Lunch Break 1h Finn Inn (http://www.finninn.com) / Ideon (http://www.restaurant.ideon.se/)
Finn Inn (http://www.finninn.com) / Ideon (http://www.restaurant.ideon.se/)
2:00 PM
4:30 PM
PEB/ECB EC Review Rehearsal H422
Fysicum, Lund University
4:30 PM
5:00 PM
Coffee Break 30m
5:00 PM
7:30 PM
PEB/ECB EC Review Rehearsal H422
Fysicum, Lund University
8:30 AM
10:00 AM