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H2020-ARIEL 2nd Scientific Workshop and Progress Meeting

from Wednesday 15 March 2023 (08:30) to Thursday 16 March 2023 (18:00)
National Physical Laboratory (NPL)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
15 Mar 2023
16 Mar 2023
08:30 Registration and coffee   ()
09:00 Welcome and update on the NPL neutron facility - Michael Bunce (NPL)   ()
09:30 Status of the ARIEL TA programme - Elisa Pirovano (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (DE))   ()
09:50 Assessment of the feasibility of measuring neutron-induced reactions at a laser-driven neutron beam - Carlos Guerrero Sanchez (Universidad de Sevilla (ES))   ()
10:10 Accelerators for nuclear data research at Birmingham - Carl Wheldon (University of Birmingham)   ()
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
11:00 Aftermath of the "HISPANOS Hands-On school on the production, detection and use of neutron beams". - Carlos Guerrero Sanchez (Universidad de Sevilla (ES))   ()
11:20 ENEN support for E&T actions - Gabriel Pavel (ENEN)   ()
11:40 Lab Course on Reactor Operation and Nuclear Chemistry - Klaus Eberhardt (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Forschungsreaktor TRIGA) Klaus Eberhardt (J)   ()
09:00 H2020-ARIEL project "General Assembly" - Arnd Junghans (Institut für Kern- und Hadronenphysik Forschungszentrum Rossendorf) Arnd Junghans (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf (DE)) Arnd Junghans (Institut für Kern- und Hadronenphysik Forschungszentrum Rossendorf)   ()
10:40 --- Coffee break ---
11:00 First results of the Neutrons For Science Facility - Xavier Ledoux Xavier Ledoux (CEA)   ()
11:20 The use of naturally collimated neutron beams at the ALTO facility for applied research - Jonathan WILSON   ()
11:40 Progress Report on the activities of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) supported by ARIEL - Roza Zanni Vlastou (National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR))   ()
12:00 Status of the ARIEL Education and Training programme - Heikki Penttilä (University of Jyvaskyla)   ()
12:20 --- Lunch break ---
13:30 Report on the Pu-239 campaign at n_TOF and preliminary results - Adrian Sanchez Caballero (CIEMAT - Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tec. (ES))   ()
13:50 50,53Cr(n,γ) cross section measurement at n_TOF@CERN - Pablo Perez Maroto (Universidad de Sevilla)   ()
14:10 Validation of the current response matrix for stilbene detectors and determination of response matrixes for new scintillation materials - Zdenek Matej   ()
14:30 Neutron and photon yields for the 51V(p,n)51Cr reaction near threshold - ANTONIA VERDERA GARAU (Universidad de Granada) Antonia Verdera Garau (Universidad de Granada)   ()
14:50 Neutron Capture on 103Rh at GELINA - Andreea Oprea (Joint Research Center (JRC) (BE)) Andreea Oprea (Joint Research Center (JRC) (BE))   ()
15:10 --- Coffee break ---
15:30 Laboratory tours   ()
19:00 --- Workshop Evening Meal ---
12:00 Benchmark experiment databases and sensitivity and uncertainty analysis tools for nuclear data V&V - Ivan Kodeli (UKAEA)   ()
12:20 Measurement of the delayed neutron yield and group constants in the fast neutron induced fission of 238U - Dorian Belverge   ()
12:40 --- Lunch break ---
13:30 STELLAR – a unique concept neutron source - Allan Simpson   ()
13:50 Investigating neutron scattering with surrogate proton induced reactions - Greg HENNING   ()
14:10 Status of the Detector Development for a Double- Differential Cross Section Experiment with the Emission of Light Charged Particles from High Energy Neutrons - Mirco Dietz (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (DE))   ()
14:30 Measurements with fast neutrons nELBE - Roland Beyer (Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf) Dr Klaus Roland Beyer (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf (DE))   ()
14:50 --- Close of the workshop ---