1–6 Oct 2023
Geremeas, Sardinia, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Test Result of the New ASD2 Chips for Phase-II Upgrade of the ATLAS MDT Chambers at HL-LHC

3 Oct 2023, 13:40
1h 40m


Katrin Elisabeth Penski (Ludwig Maximilians Universitat (DE))


For the
-II upgrade of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer to the High Luminosity LHC
(HL-LHC), a new first-level muon track trigger is needed to make use of the high momentum
resolution of the Monitored Drift Tube (MDT). The current front-end electronics of the MDT
chambers do not meet these conditions, they have to be replaced. Therefore, a new ASD2
ASIC chip has been developed. Finally, 50000 ASD2 chips are needed for the ATLAS
experiment. The development of the final testing procedure and the reliability of a first batch
ASD2 chips will be presented.

Summary (500 words)

A new first-level muon track trigger is installed for the
-II upgrade of the ATLAS Muon
Spectrometer to the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), which will make use of the high
momentum resolution of the Monitored Drift Tube (MDT) chambers. Due to the long drift
times in the MDT, a triggerless readout is needed. Since the current front-end electronics of
the MDT chambers do not meet these conditions, they have to be replaced. For this purpose, a
new ASD2 ASIC chip in 130 nm Global Foundries CMOS technology has been developed.
For the ATLAS experiment, 80000 chips are produced and tested before integration, since in
the end 50000 well-performing chips are needed. The overall goal of the ASD2 chip test
procedure presented is to find optimized parameters and cut values that characterize the
performance of the chip and are used for production testing in the company.
First, the influence of the different programmable parameters on the chip’s behaviour is
investigated. For this purpose, 100 pre-production chips are tested with tester board prototype
and analysed with respect to four measurement criteria: Basic Health, Threshold, Dead Time
and Pulse Width. Cuts are introduced to reject non-functioning chips and achieve high
uniformity among the channels and chips. In a second step, about 100 pre-production and
production chips are compared. Both ASD2 chip types show no practical difference. In both
cases, about 80 % of the chips work considering the introduced selection criteria and cut
For the production testing a new QAQC tester board was designed, and its performance is
examined using the 100 production chips. The results are compared with those of the tester prototype. Despite of an offset in some values due to a larger bias current in the new tester,
there is no difference of practical relevance.
Finally, in order to define final testing parameters and cut intervals for the production testing
at the company
1175 production ASD2 chips are tested with the new tester. The yield of
well-performing chips is about 86%, with a homogeneous distribution for all channels and
chips regarding all four measurement criteria. For finer differentiation, the cut criteria are
further extended, and the chips are divided into three categories, with 14 % of the chips in C
(non-working chips), 16 % in B (working chips outside some cut intervals) and 70 % in A
(working chips inside all intervals). These results are used as input for the automized
production chip testing which took place in spring 2023 using 80000 chips.


Presentation materials